Chapter 9 - Soha comes to Mumbai

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Nandini keep the coffee on the table .ALYA purposely puts her leg forward. Nandini trips and falls but Manik catches her .

ALYA fumes seeing this . She walks out of the room with great anger . Manik notices this . He gets thinking .

ALYA is going to her cabin .

Nandini goes to get herself juice . Alya is on the way to her cabin and collides Nandini with ALYA . Juice falls on her dress . ALYA fumes .
A: u blo**y ...
N: I'm sorry ma'am.
A: keep ur sorry for ur self .
Saying that she throws the water kept on one of the table there.
Ppl start gathering there . Anant( one of the employees there) informs Manik about this . Manik comes there . Manik comes and gets shocked. Alya keeps on shouting at Nandini.
M: just stop it (he shouts angrily)
ALYA and Nandini looks at Manik.
M: what the hell is happening here ? Why are u all here ? Go do your work ( he says to the employees , everyone goes )
M to ALYA nd Nandini : listen , this is an office and behave like it is one. And yes Nandini U r really careless , how can u be so ?
Nandini looks at Manik with a watery eye , Manik feels bad for shouting at her .
M: And ALYA pls try avoid these kind of fights .
ALYA gets annoyed.
M: Nandini , I want those documents I asked u for in the morning right now in my cabin .
N: yes sir .(trying to control her tears)
Manik goes
A: and you listen... Even if u r his P.A. , for Manik , nothing is wrong and right when it comes to Fab5 . What we do is right for him, Fab5 is everything for him, and nothing more than us . Get it ? So don't think u can do anything just bcz of ur position . Now out of my way !

Nandini starts crying and thinks why did Manik shout at her when it was not her fault ?
Nandini wipes her tears and goes to manik's cabin with the documents.
N: sir
Manik looks at her and feels bad.
M: ya keep it here .
She keeps it there .
M: Nandini , actually I'm sorry for shouting at u . It's just that uk Alya was really angry from the time she left the cabin so I had to support her . Ik she did wrong with u but for me from childhood they were there . So I've to be there for them also right ? So that's why .
N: it's ok sir .
Just the. Anant comes and informs that kuber is calling them to his cabin .
Manik goes there .
K: come Manik , I've two guests for u . look who is here .
Manik and Nandini gets surprised seeing her . Actually Manik is little shocked seeing them ?
Any guesses ? Well one of them is Soha KHURRANA .

Soha: hi Manik
M: hi ( they shake hands
(Manik thinks in mind : oh God ! ab ye kahan se agayi?)
So: Manik this is my brother Aryaman KHURRANA.
M : hello
Ar: hi (shakes hands )
Kuber : well u ppl carry on I've to go for an important work . Bye Manik
M: bye dad .
Aryaman says hi to Nandini also and shakes hands with her .
So: so Manik , u surprised seeing me right ?
M: but how come u here ?
So: actually Bhai was here and so even I came to look after our business here .
Ar: no Manik , she came for u and only for u
M: what ? Me ?
So: bhaiii
Ar: yes Manik for u only . Ok then u can carry on with ur work , we came directly from airport cuz she was insisting me so now let's go home Soha .
So: ok bhai lets go .
M: yeah even Ive work .
So: we will meet in the evening then
M: evening ?
So: yeah , ur dad invited
M: oh then we will meet in the evening , bye
So: bye

Soha and Aryaman leaves .
M: oh god why why why ? Nandini , did u make that document ?
N: no sir , sir I'll make it soon don't worry abt that .
M: no listen . Come to my place today evening I'll also help u in making it .
N: ok sir .

So Manik and Nandini carry on with their work .
It's evening . Manik invites alya and cabir also there so that he can stick with them and can avoid Soha .

Soha And Aryaman comes . The malhotras welcome them . They make themselves comfortable.
(Nyonika is good to them cuz they are business partners)
Aryaman goes around the house .
Soha goes to Manik and talks . Manik keeps calling cabir but he doesn't pick up .
Soha : Manik I'm talking to u .
M: uh ... Soha , I've got some important work. I'm really sorry .
Just then Nandini comes .
M: there she is ! Now I've to go I'm sorry .
Manik and Nandini goes to his room .
M: so ya u can do the doc. If u want any help then let me know .
ALYA and cabir comes . Manik is so glad to see them . They hug and talk .
Manik says to Nandini : nandini , if u want any help then let me know but now I've got to go .
ALYA doesn't like this and insists Manik to come with her . (His mobile falls on the sofa as he goes )
Cabir : Nandini , do u need any help ?
N: no thanks cabir , actually I can do by my self but if anything is there then I'll let u know .
C:yeah sure
N: and moreover Manik offered for help.
C: wow like Manik offered help. Not bad . First I helped u in making presentation for that Singapore deal and now Manik is helping u . Not bad at all .

Manik , who came back to take his mobile phone , heard this .He gets angry . He walks away without taking his phone.
Cabir on other hand asks Nandini to carry on with her work and goes

Manik recollects how he appreciated Nandini for her work and then recollects what cabir said . Just then Soha sees him and asks him what happened . He says nothing .
Nandini calls Manik but his phone is in the sofa. So she goes to find him .
Soha tries to get closer to Manik and keeps her hand on maniks face .and Nandini comes there and sees this . She doesn't know why but she feels a little jealous .
N: sir ...
At that time only Manik was about to hold soha's hand .
N: sir , I need ur help .
M (in angry mood ): can't u do things by ur self ? That's what ur job is to . If u don't know then leave ur job .
Nandini si surprised by what Manik said .
N: sir but u asked me to ask u for help if I want .
M: oh really ? As if u obey every of my order . Just go now and I want the work to be done very soon . So go .
So: just chil Manik .
She again keeps her hand . Manik notices Nandini doesn't like it . He understands the reason .

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