3-And strangers become friends

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I am a drama queen! What the hell is wrong with me? It's true I am not near my old friends, I was betrayed in relationships, but at the end of the day I am happy where I am! No toxic people in my life and real friends, who will always be with me, even if they are at thousands kilometres away.

There are two weeks since I sarted a new school and with Blake's help I am not alone, I entered in his group of friends, which is so different and yet so great: there is Bethany, the head cheerleader, the president of students commitee and one of the smartest people I met, her boyfriend Steve, the definition of a nerd, if his level of intelligence wouldn't be so high. How they met? The Debate team, at the beginning they were rivals and then became allies and won even international competitions. Next is Tyler, a jock and an IT genius and his younger brother, Scott, who speaks so rarely that sometimes I forget he is there too. Candy, a sweet girl, like her name, but let's not forget about the fact she is an awarded pianist. And then, Blake, my old friend, a bookworm, but one who assimilates everything he reads, he's like a walking encyclopedia.

Me, I felt out of place. True, we all are rich, but that's beside the point, everyone here has their own share of wealth. The first time when I talked with them, I felt it like they were doing it out of pity, so I did what I do best: I avoided all of them. It lasted three days, until Beth cornered me with Steve and Candy and let's say that she scared me with "We called tabs on you, you are ours! None can take you away, not even you!"

She sounded like a serial killer! For goodness sake, the next day I was so terrified that I didn't go to school. So around evening, with bed hair and Bugs Bunny pyjamas I opened the door for the two brothers. It was the first time when I heard Scott laugh and when I saw him being abused physically by Tyler who hit him behind his head so hard that he almos fell. I was shocked! How the hell did they know where I lived? I remember the discussion:

-Good evening Lyla! Mom send us with pie when she heard that Antoanette has a niece over!

-What? I dumbly questioned.

-We are your neighbours dummy! sarcastically replied Scott.


-Yeah! Oh! Now, are you inviting us in? Tyler but in.

-That's awkward! I mumbled looking at my bare feet.

-Honestly now? Do you have a guy over? asked Scott annoyed.

-Nope, but it's only me with my movies and ice cream!

-Ice cream with pie sounds good!Scott replied walking past me with Tyler laughing at the horror on my face.

-What have you done with my brother?

I blushed and lead him to the living room where Scott was already comfortable in a love chair eating MY  chocolate ice cream. None steals my ice cream. So guess what my high on sugar brain did? I jumped on him and took MY ice cream back! Scott ended with ice cream on his face, while Tyler was laughing hysterically. And the the awkwardness came back, with me stuffing my face and the boys recovering from my outburst, until Tyler broke the silence:

-Is this your coping method?

Unable to answer because a full mouth I nodded.

-Please don't tell me Beth scared you already? Scott asked irritated.

I lowered my gaze and then I felt two fingers pulling my chin up so I became eye level with Tyler who said:

-She is scary, but she meant good! Usually new people were recomended to clubs and from there they entered in different groups. I don't know if Blake told you, but we all are in Belle Art club. In a group of friends, except differences there has to be something common. The problem is the Receiving Committee ceased to exist, so now new people are kind of chosen by a group. Our school doesn't have loners.

-Didn't have! Scott interfered.

-Well, we plan to remedy that! Tyler chastised him.

-What do you mean? I asked confused

-We and another gang plan to recreat de Receiving Committee and practically reintroduce Sam in the school!

-That's so sweet! I want in! This guy intrigues me!

-Brilliant! Welcome in The Cake!

-What? I choked on my chocolate sweetness.

-That's our group name! Because we all have different interests, but in the end, we are together! Scott answered.

So this is how it started. Me, Lyla Anniston I am on stalking duty! I have to see how the others are acting, how they are treating him and if something happens to stop it! The problem is that with each passing day he makes me more curious. This is just the beginning of a new era in my life and I feel like Sam is the key...

Hi everyone, thanks for reading and voting! I hope you will enjoy the development of this story! Sorry if it's short! I can't promise a new update soon, but I will do it slowly and surely!

I dedicate this chapter to Melindas_legend  as a thank you for voting and believing in this story, I hope you like the course!

Lots of love,


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