The Stronger One, pt. 3

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Christmas holidays approached. Snow dusted the grounds. Students dozed off and chatted in the classes leading up to vacation. A high level of anticipation ran through the school. The last Hogsmeade trip of the term rustled by in a flurry of bright wrapping paper, flashes of gleaming coins, and the tingling warmth of butterbeer. 

All of the Gryffindor third years were staying at school, except Aluria, Florence, and Cheresse, who were not aware of this phenomenon until it was too late to change plans. Harry suspected that James had made sure they wouldn’t find out, probably to limit distractions between him and Lily.

The first day of the holidays was guaranteed to be eventful; Severus was going to get revenge. The plan was subtle, but effective. Severus agreed to not seriously injure James, and Harry agreed not to get in the way. They’d spent the weeks after James’ scheme by tuning Severus’ imitation of James, which was now, after some toning down, frighteningly accurate.

“Hey, Walker!” ‘James’ came into the common room through the portrait hole, addressing Harry, who was playing cards with Lily. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be?”

The room was almost empty. The Marauders had snuck out to Hogsmeade even though it wasn’t a visitation weekend. No one except Harry knew about these periodical escapades. 

“What’s your problem?” Lily set down her cards and turned towards ‘James,’ as though moved by the instinct to protect Harry. 

“There’s no problem.” ‘James’ ran a hand through his hair. He whisked the cards between  them off the couch and sat down, his back to Harry.

“Hey, what the hell?” Harry stood up. ‘James’ hardly glanced at him. “If you don’t go, Jacob, you know what I’ll do.” 

Harry’d given Severus that bit to say; if Lily asked about it later, Harry could tell her James had previously used harming Severus as a means to get what he wanted.

Harry went upstairs, then hurried back down, hidden under his Invisibility Cloak.

“...that’s why I used Polyjuice Potion. Severus got what he had coming to him.” 

“But they attacked me! What does that have to do with Severus?”

“It’s doesn’t matter — I saved you, didn’t I?” ‘James’ brushed aside a strand of her hair, then placed his other hand on her cheek. He leaned in, then — SMACK!

Lily shot up from the couch and pointed her wand at him. “If you touch me again, I will hex you.” She faltered, tucked the strand of hair behind her ear, then ran up to the girls’ dorms.

The upperclassmen girls sitting across the room snickered before continuing with their conversation.

‘James’ gaped in surprise for a second, then he left through the portrait hole, since that was the way the real James would come back through when he got back from Hogsmeade. ‘James’ used a Disillusionment Charm to conceal himself as he snuck back upstairs.

“Good job, mate,” Harry said, stuffing Hermione’s purse among his things before Severus could catch sight of it. 

Severus smirked. “Thanks.” He’d used another potion to reverse the effects of the Polyjuice Potion and was almost back to his old self. He stowed a replica of James’ glasses underneath his bed, then straightened and looked about the room. 

“Did it go well after I left?” 

“Yeah, she slapped me.” Severus grazed his cheek with his fingers. “I hope she gives him hell when he gets back.”

Harry nodded in agreement, then paused in thought. “Where’s Raven? I haven’t seen her.”

Severus shrugged. “Me neither. I’m going to go wash up.” 

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