Snape's Worst Memory, pt. 1

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Classes had finished for the day, so everyone set out toward the lake. Lily and Raven were a few minutes behind; they’d gone to drop off their things. Severus was clutching the book Lily got him for Christmas: Advanced Potion Making. 

Harry and Severus sat down in front of a tree by the lake to relax. Harry took out his journal and began to write; Severus took his other book to begin the assigned Herbology reading. 

After fifteen minutes, Harry peered into the distance. “There’s Lily and Raven.” He said it matter-of-factly, tying not to sound as though it was a heads up for Severus to be careful of what he said. His friendship with Lily was on the rocks, though no particular event had put it there. 

“What the hell?” Severus said, picking up the Potions book from where he’d set it down. 

“What is it?” Harry asked, waving at the two girls. 

“This isn’t mine.” Severus took out his wand and stood up. “There.” He strode over to the three Marauders, who stood twenty meters away. Peter leaned over James’ shoulder as James held up a copy of Advanced Potion Making. 

Severus aimed his wand in their direction and began,“Acci—”

He was cut off by James’ shout, “Langlock!” 

Harry had barely pulled out his wand when Sirius’ voice behind him whispered, “Petrificus Totalus.” Sirius then draped James’ Invisibility Cloak over Harry, who slumped against the tree trunk. Harry still had a view of the scene, but was invisible to everyone and unable to act. Something about this situation was horribly familiar; he may as well have been in the Pensieve. 

“We’ve been reading up on some of your little spells, Snivellus. I hope that, for your sake, none of them are dangerous.” James, Sirius, and Peter guffawed; Remus avoided Severus’ glare. 

“Plenum Temerario!” 

Severus stopped, fists raised, and fell to his knees. Harry could tell, even from his position, that Severus’ skin color had changed; it was now an inflamed red. The effects of the spell kicked in and Severus began to scratch himself as though his whole body itched. 

“Ooh, James, try this one!” Sirius pointed to a spot in the book. “It says, ‘Sectumsempra: For enemies.’” 

Harry squeezed all of his muscles, willing something to shift, to move, so he could stop them.

“Leave him ALONE!”

James and Sirius turned. Lily stormed down the slope, Raven trailing slightly behind. 

“Is there a problem, Evans?” James ruffled his hair and took a step toward Lily. “Look, we’re just showing him how horrible his spells are. He made these up.” Sirius nodded in agreement.

“His own spells?” Lily’s eyes flickered to Severus, who was moaning in pain. His skin was now raw from the areas he scraped with his fingernails. “That doesn’t matter. Leave him alone. YOU’RE HURTING HIM, STOP IT!” Severus met her eyes, seeing the pity there, and with a heave of breath resisted the spell. He managed to shoot a weak hex at James.

James’ face erupted in boils, but the spell didn’t stop him from retaliating.


Severus was whisked up in the air by his ankle. He struggled as fresh laughter rolled from the sidelines. Rotating slowly, Severus scanned the area as if he was searching for something. Someone. Someone he expected to save him. 

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