Albus Dumbledore, pt. 1

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The Hogwarts Express gleamed scarlet on September 1st, 1975. Harry walked down the train’s aisle, looking into the compartments. He found Lily and Severus sitting in a compartment in the middle of the train, and when Harry slid the door open, they were laughing. Or, rather, Severus was at least smiling.

“Oh, Jacob, hi!” Lily stood and hugged him. 

“Y’know, I did see you a week ago.” 

Lily let go, embarrassed. “Yeah, still.” 

Over the summer, Harry saw Severus and Lily three times a week. He watched their relationship change, sort of like a flip book—each time he saw them, they were an adjusted image on an entirely new page. Even though Severus and Lily were still just friends, Harry felt out of place when he was around the two. He knew they’d tell him they wanted him around, but he had to try hard to convince himself to stay, because he felt they’d be happier without him there. 

“We should probably head over to the prefect’s carriage,” Harry said to Lily. 

Along with their school letters, Harry and Lily received prefect badges. The owl delivering the news went to Lily’s house, but it couldn’t find Harry’s home. It had circled overhead Severus, Lily, and Harry for an hour before Lily happened to say “Jacob,” which confirmed Harry’s identity. None of the three had given the bird much thought until it swooped down and dropped the letter in front of Harry.

This was a definite change—Harry knew that Remus had been prefect in his timeline, and now Harry had been chosen instead. Oddly enough, this struck a chord in Harry. Dumbledore had chosen Ron and Hermione instead of him in his fifth year, so it was almost like Dumbledore was compensating for his decision.

“Let’s wait until Raven gets here,” Lily replied. 

A few minutes later, Raven arrived. They helped her put her things on the shelf over their heads.

“It’s been so long,” she said, then hugged each of them. 

“Hello, Raven.” Remus had appeared in the doorway.

“Remus.” Raven wrapped her arms around him, and they stood like that for a moment before she kissed him. 

Remus had reached his adult height, like many of the other fifth year students. His hair, grazing the nape of his neck where Raven held him, was as long as Severus’. 

Lily and Severus had looked away, both different shades of pink. 

“Long time no see,” Raven said when they parted. 

Remus glanced at the others, noticing their awkwardness. He cleared his throat. “I wish I could stay, but James would want me to be with them.” Remus kissed Raven again. “I’ll see you round, okay?”

Harry was surprised at the tone in Remus’ voice. It was clear that Remus didn’t feel any sort of obligation or annoyance at being with Raven; it was genuine desire. Maybe it surprised Harry because of Tonks. 

“How were your summers?” Raven asked, sitting next to Lily. 

Lily glanced at Severus, smiling a little. “Good, yours?” 

Raven looked between the two, as though waiting for them to explain the story behind the look they exchanged. The two didn’t get the hint, so Raven replied, “My summer was fine. I got out more, since my parents were away most days.” 

Harry checked his watch. “We should probably get to the prefect’s carriage.”

“Oh, okay.” Lily got up. 

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