He picks you up for Prom

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I looked in the mirror and smiled. I actually thought I looked pretty for once. I heard a knock on the door downstairs then some muffled voices.
"y/n, Shawns here! come down for pictures!" I heard my mom yell up the stairs.
"coming!" I yelled back. I took one last look in the mirror, satisfied with how I look then started walking down the stairs. when I got to the bottom I turned the corner and there he was. Shawn looked at me and his jaw dropped, he looked me up and down like 5 times. I laughed a bit.
"Shawn, you okay?" I asked with a smile.
"yeah. I'm just amazed. you look beautiful" he said now walking towards me. "when did I get so lucky?" he smiled then hugged me. I started to tear up, Shawns the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. honestly how did I get so lucky? I asked myself. I pulled away and he looked at me
"oh no, don't cry!"
"I'm not, I'm just so happy right now" I said dabbing under my eyes, trying not to mess up my make up. I smiled at him and gave him a little peck.
"how about some pictures?!" my mom said excitedly while walking in the room with my dad.
"wow, you look beautiful hunny!" she said and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"thanks mama" I said happily. I looked at my dad and he just smiled
"you're growing up so fast! it feels like just yesterday we were dropping you off for kindergarten! now you're going to prom!" he said with some tears in his eyes. he usually gets dramatic when it comes to things like this. but I smiled and walked up to him to hug him.
"okay, y/n go stand with Shawn. picture time!" my mom ran in the room with her camera, waving it around. I walked over and stood beside Shawn and he put his arm around my waist and we smiled at the camera *snap* the next picture I stood in front of him while he wrapped his arms around me and I looked up at him *snap*
"okay, now look at the camera!" my mom told us. we looked and smiled. *snap* Shawn checked his watch then said
"I think we should get going. the limo should be here anytime with y/f/n and y/f/b/n(your friends boyfriend)." I looked at Shawn in shock.
"limo?!" he smiled
"yeah! surprise!"
"wow Shawn, you really are the best." he put out his hand and we intertwined our fingers.
"bye mom! bye dad! I'll text you when we're on our way home" I said excitedly
"bye sweetie! be safe." my mom replied as I closed the door. just as we were on our way down the driveway Shawn stopped and turned to me.
"you ready?" he asked with a smirk.
"as ready as I'll ever be" I said back. Shawn leaned down and kissed me. just as he pulled away the limo pulled up and we walked towards it, excited for the night ahead.

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