22: Spend The Night

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(Don't start listening to the music until I tell you too because it doesn't go well with the beginning of this chapter.😆)

It's been 2 weeks since Kris got shot and since I become the cold and emotionless R that I had been trying to hard to hide and to keep from surfacing, but I couldn't stop it. The others have been avoiding me and it's really making me depressed. Only Takuto has been talking to me. He told them about my Gemini syndrome. They seemed more understanding hearing that and felt bad for avoiding me, but they still fell a bit scared. They should too. They had to see me shoot those gang members with a gun. They had to see me shoot them and not show any mercy. I should have never decided to use my R style, but if U hadn't then there could have been a chance that the others wouldn't be alive right now.

Hiro said that his feelings for me still won't change, but he just needs time to process everything. I'm still trying to figure out why Takuto doesn't like the fact that Hiro confessed his love for me. Ugh, I'm so confused and depressed now!

Anyways, today Kris is getting out of the hospital. She's all better. Yuki's been staying by her side the whole time. Her and Yuki are a couple now. Wow, I'm the only one who isn't in a relationship yet. I just haven't really thought about having a boyfriend. I mean, Hiro confessed his love for me, but I've just been too busy dealing with this whole thing that happened that I just haven't had the time. Riki pulls up to the hospital. They all get out, but me. I sit there staring at the seat in front of me.

"Rikki?" Takuto asks looking back at me. The others look back at me too. I look up at them. The others eyes slightly widen and they look away.

"Um... we'll be inside, see you guys in there," Ivy says avoiding eye contact with me. Ivy, I'm still the same Rikki. With that all of them, except for Takuto, leave. Takuto remains behind and gets back into the van. He sits beside me.

"You ok?" Takuto asks in concern. I don't say anything as tears start to brim in my eyes. "Come on moron. You're not fun at all when you're like this." I silently sniffle.

"They hate me," I respond as I wipe my tears away. Takuto sighs beside me.

"They don't hate you. They're just scared of you," Takuto corrects. I blink and more tears run down my face.

"Exactly, they're scared of me. I was a monster. I was a emotionless, cold hearted, ruthless murderer," I state as I begin to sob again.

"You're not an emotionless, cold hearted, ruthless murderer Rikki," Takuto replies as he looks at me.

"All I see in their eyes is fear," I remark as I start to tremble. Takuto sighs heavily as he puts his hand around my shoulders.

"Idiot, you showed that nobody messes with R," Takuto answers, "Sure, they're scared. It will take some time to get over that, but they will get over it and until they do just try to hang in there. No more crying because it's stressing me out and I have no idea how to comfort a girl when they're crying." I stifle a laugh at this and smile at him. "There's that smile." My eyes widen when I see him smile at me. It's a gentle smile. His smiles lately have been more gentle than they usually are. My heart starts to beat faster as I stare at him. "Stop staring at me like that idiot. It's making me uncomfortable."

"Heh, sorry," I apologize as I chuckle. Takuto smiles as he gets out of the van again. He turns around and extends his hand out to me. I stare at it in confusion.

"Don't just stand there. Take my hand already," Takuto says impatiently. I hesitate for a moment, but then I sigh and take his hand. He grips my hand and pulls me out of the van. Once out of the van he lets go of my hand and places it on my shoulder. "You'll be fine." I simply nod as we enter the hospital. When we enter we see the others all gathered by Yuki and Kris, who are at the front desk checking out. My body freezes.

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