Chapter 35

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*Yeah-Yeah's POV*

"Alan McCleanen."

I stepped forward.

"Block B."

I nodded, and grabbed the bed sheets and my uniform.

As I walked to my new home for the year, someone ran up to me.

"Block B?" He asked.

I nodded in response, trying not to say anything.

"Josh Howard."

Again I nodded.

"Ah. Not a talker."

We continued our way to our Block and found our bunks.

"Welcome back Josh." Some others said when we arrived.

"Newbie, that's Park, Randy, and Noah. Guys, this is Newbie."

"Newbie got a name?" Randy asked.

"He's not a talker apparently."

"Well neither were you, Josh. It took you 2 weeks to say one word other than what you had to." Noah joked.

I sat my things down, and began making my bunk.

"Leave him alone you guys. He probably has a girl he didn't want to leave." Park said sittin on the bunk next to mine.

I looked at him, then back to my bed.

"I was right. He has a girl back home."

The boys each grabbed something from their possessions and held them out to me.

"Leah." Josh said.

Randy follows by saying, "Madison."

"Becca." Randy replied.

"Patty." Park finished.

I grabbed the picture of my family and let them see it.


"And kids?"

"Peter and Belle. They're 1."

"So this was especially hard on you." Josh sympathized.

"It's not like I had a choice."

"You're 17, right?" Park asked.

I nodded.

"You can choose to come back after you're 18. Your parents can't make you stay after that. Doesn't matter what they say."

My eyes shot open wide.

"So only a 2 weeks here and then I can leave."

"You have to stay till the summer week break. Don't ask why." Josh laughed.

"Still. I don't have to stay for 3 years. I can see my family."

"You really don't want to be here, do you?"

"No not really. My kids don't have to grow up without me. I can go home and marry the girl I love."

"You never know. You could change your mind."

"No. My life is with my family. Not here."

"They all say that." A new voice was heard.

The 4 boys stood up, so I did the same.


"McCleanen. You'll change your mind. This is where you belong."

He saluted us and walked out.

"And that is?"

"Sargent Cline. One of the people in charge. Not the worst, but he's not the best either."

"So do I stay clear of him?"

"If you do, he'll still find you. Just don't get on his bad side."

"That's gonna be hard."

*Ariel's POV*

"I'm not in school, so no lesson please." I joked.

"Oh no honey. You're gonna get a lesson."

Her hand collided with my cheek.

"You hit like a girl." I laughed.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"Now you're really pissing me off."

"I'm pissing you off? Lady, you have no idea how much you're pissing me off. You make the man I love go away, and then you assault me. A few months ago, you were acting like my mother and now you're slapping me. What the hell?"

"You're the one who took Alan away from me. Ever since he started dating you, he's been more distant from me."

"Maybe cause you're a psychopathic bitch. If you felt that way, you should've told him. Not take your anger out on me."

"I'm not gonna hurt my son!"

"By hurting me, you're hurting him. How do you think he's gonna feel after he finds out about this?"

"Oh Ariel. You're so dumb if you think he's gonna find out. No one will. I can just play it off as you ran away. You've done it before."

"Make it more believable. I would never leave my kids."

"But you would leave mine!"

"He was going crazy! I now see where he gets it from."

I started for the door, and she held me back.

"You're not going anywhere."

I quickly turned around and kicked her in the stomach, which sent her to the ground.

"You're really bad at this. I'm gonna leave, and if you try to hurt me, or the people I care about again, you won't walk for a while."

"And you said I was the bitch."

"Honey, I passed bitch a long time ago."

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