Part 18

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Aditya watched her as she slept and began wondering what led Avni to ask him that question. Was she regretting the choice of marrying him. Maybe she is right to feel that. He hadn't given her any reason to think otherwise.

She looked so fragile and strong both at the same time today, he thought. He knew she was holding herself together from falling apart. But he couldn't understand that his mere words could have such an effect on her.

She looked so beautiful and at peace in her sleep. He watched her as long as he could and soon he too gave up to his sleep.

The next morning, Avni woke up and found herself in Aditya's arms. He felt so warm and comforting. She opened her eyes and saw Aditya all dressed up lying down next to her with his eyes closed.

She slowly removed his hands and began to get up when Aditya opened his eyes and said, 'Good morning Precious!'

Avni smiled at this and said, 'You are awake! Is that my new name?'

Aditya gave her a lopsided grin and said, 'Yup! Do you like it?'

Avni sat up on the bed and began to bind her hair and said, 'Well, let's just say I don't hate it.'

Aditya lied propped up on his elbow and said, 'Its a good thing because I am going to call you precious.' Avni rolled her eyes at him and slid down the bed.

Aditya continued, 'Now you should get ready and that too fast or we'll be late.'

Avni placed her hands on her waist and said, 'Why? Are we going somewhere?'

'Yes! We are. My family won't rest unless I show them some proof of our honeymoon. So, get ready.' Aditya said to her.

Avni sighed and said, 'Alright! When did you get up?'

'Does it matter? Quite early if you want to know. Now c'mon hurry wife!'

She knew how impatient he can be so she rushed towards the bathroom. After 15 minutes, she was all ready to leave.

That day, they visited all the places and enjoyed to the fullest. Avni took the photograph of her and Aditya in all the places they went. Though Aditya didn't like being photographed, Avni wasn't the one to listen to him. So he had to let go his stubbornness.

They had only two days left to return back to home so Aditya wanted to take Avni to all the places.

They took Sal with them too. The fact that Sal was with them made the journey all the more interesting. He never ceased to irritate Aditya by his jokes and flirting with Avni. He was more like a brother to her but Aditya didn't understand that and Avni was enjoying seeing Aditya all jealous so she didn't clarify anything.

The whole day went by in clicking photos visiting places and cracking jokes excluding Aditya. He was never the one to crack jokes.

It was 8 when they returned. As soon as they reached their suite and Avni found her body relax, she felt tired and hungry. She had forgotten about eating in all the fun and excitement. On the way, she ate very little when Aditya offered her to eat so now she was too hungry.

Aditya looked at her and said, 'Are you alright? You look tired.'

Avni nodded and said, 'Yeah, I am fine just feeling hungry and tired. I think I wasted too much of my energy.'

Aditya smiled at her and said, 'You'll be fine.' He then dialled the number for room service and ordered the dinner.

Avni took out the camera and started scrolling through the photos. She stopped at one of the photograph and smiled. It was the best photograph. In it, Aditya was holding her from waist and Avni's hands were enclosed around his hands. They both were smiling and looking happy. The setting sun was shining on them and their faces were shining brightly.

Looking at the photograph, she thought her life is really changed too much. She was looking really happy though she still had to figure out things about Aditya's life.

Aditya looked at her and came forward and said, 'What are you looking and smiling at?'

She showed him the photograph and said, 'This photograph has become one of my favorite. It looks so good.'

Aditya looked at it and then at Avni. Their eyes locked and stayed there. Aditya placed his hand on her cheek and said, 'I like it when you are happy. Your smile enhances your beauty all the more.'

Avni blushed at this and Aditya closed the distance between them. Avni forgot everything about being tired. All she could feel now was her beating heart.

Aditya leaned closer to her and their lips were just inches apart when the knock on the door came.

'Perfect timing!' Aditya grumbled and opened the door for the man who brought their dinner.

When Aditya closed the door after their food was served, Aditya turned to Avni and said, 'Help yourself.' Avni nodded and said, 'Join me.'

Aditya sat with her at the table and watched her as she ate. It was enjoyable to see her eat. She was the first woman who looked beautiful and sexy while eating.

Suddenly, Avni stopped eating and looked at Aditya who hadn't even touched his food.

She asked him, 'Why are you not eating? Are you not hungry?'

He gave her one of his rare smile and said, 'Actually, I am not in the mood to eat. I ate on the way back so I am not much hungry. Besides, I am enjoying the view in front of me.'

Avni smirked at him and said, 'What? You are enjoying watching  me eat?'

Aditya placed his hand on his chin and said, 'You look beautiful while eating I can't help it.'

Avni blushed at his comment. It was the first time that anyone said that. What else he thinks of her she wanted to know. The way he was looking at her now reminded her of their too intense kiss the other day. The thought made her blush all the more.

'Though I love to see the blush on your face, I would like to know what are you thinking.. Let me guess.. You are thinking about our kiss.'

Avni's eyes widened a bit and she wasn't feeling hungry anymore. She had eaten already enough. She just got off the table. How could he read her so easily! She thought.

'Well, am I right?' Aditya asked looking at her.

Avni raised her eyes and looked at him and said, 'Yeah! But that is not fair. How could you know what I was thinking? Are you a mind reader or something? '

Aditya chuckled and said, 'Believe me your face gives you away. Whatever you feel it shows on your beautiful face.'

He came forward and touched her cheeks caressing them with his thumb. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to feel the pleasure of his touch. She opened them again and looked at Aditya who was wearing the same look as her.

She knew he was deciding whether to kiss her or not. Ohh, she wanted to kiss him so much more desperately than ever. So she did the only thing she never thought she would do. She made the first move and kissed him.

A/N- heyaaaa my lovely readers. It seems Avni too couldn't keep herself away from Aditya any longer. I hope you are enjoying the story so don't forget to vote and comment.

I would love to know what you think.

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