Part 29

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After dinner, everybody returned to their respective rooms. It was soon after they settled comfortably in bed, that Avni asked Aditya, 'What was it you wanted to talk about?' Aditya answered without looking at Avni, 'How would you feel about me if I told you that I have done terrible things to people and I do not care a bit about it? Would you still want to stay with me?'

Avni answered, 'Well, that depends what have you done and under what circumstances you have done it. Besides, I don't have anywhere else to go now after I have been married to you, do I?' This she said teasingly to which Aditya smiled and looked at her turning his face towards her.

'You have nothing to worry about Adi! Tell me now what you wanted to tell,' Avni said.

Aditya released a long breath and said, 'You know, these past few days I wasn't myself. And a few times I acted like a jerk for which I am sorry about. It was because someone was giving our company's information outside and i was worried about it.

Today, I found out about who the person was. It was one of my most trusted people, Fareed. I still don't believe that it was Fareed my close friend who did it.' He paused and Avni encouraged him to go on by nodding. 'I have locked him up in my office for the time being. I am going to punish that bastard for what he did.' His facial expression hardened while talking about Fareed.

Avni didn't know if she was ready for this information but now after it was out, she felt nothing. She couldn't put her finger on what she was feeling. She just felt the need to ease Aditya's pain. He looked hurt as he was looking at the ceiling lost in his own thoughts. Then, he looked at her and his eyes softened.

He said, 'The funny part of all this is, I don't feel even a tad bit bad for doing what I did. Do you think I am a good person now, precious?' He looked into her eyes. She didn't say anything at first but slowly she placed her palm on his cheek and smiled.

Avni then spoke, 'I think its normal to behave like this. You didn't do anything bad to him. You are not a bad person Adi. I agree what you did was not right. But you did it because you're hurt now and that's why you don't feel bad about it. I am not here to judge you Adi. What you did might be required but I just think that you must have tackled it some other way.'

Aditya agreed and said, 'You know what precious? I just figured out the right way.' He smiled at her and said, 'Thank you for listening to me.' Avni said while moving her thumb in circles on his cheek, 'Thank you for telling me.'

Aditya moved closer to her and placed his hand at the back of her head and started moving his fingers along her hair. While doing this, none of them broke the eye contact.

Avni's eyes slowly drifted towards Aditya's lips and then towards his eyes. Aditya said looking at her intently, 'I want to kiss you right now so bad.' To this, Avni stopped breathing for a second or two. It was amazing to think that after they had shared the kisses so many times, still her heart flutters on hearing him speak these words.

He continued, 'But I want to wait because next time when I'll kiss you it will only lead to more and I wouldn't be able to stop myself, not even you precious.' He then kissed her forehead and said his good night.

Avni's heart warmed at his words and the fact that he was being so considerate for her. She knew now how hard he was trying to control his needs for her. She looked at his face with adoration and smiled. She loved to sleep like this next to him. She was content with her life at the moment. Lost in her thoughts, she too drifted off to sleep.

Aditya was laughing and she was laughing too. He never felt so happy. He was holding hands with her and sitting under the tree lost in his own world.

Suddenly everything turned into darkness. She was gone and only her screams could be heard. Adityaaa!!!! She was screaming so hard, calling for help. He'll have to save her. He was panicking and running. He can't let anything happen to her. His heartbeat increased . He was running towards her voice so fast with long strides. He'll have to reach her before its too late.

Then, he found her near a tree sitting alone. He reached towards her and placed his hand on her shoulder. He knew she had been crying. She turned her head towards him but it was not her. It was his precious. She looked at him with blank expression and he couldn't bear the pain that surged through his heart. It was too much to see her like this. Why didn't you save me Adi!

Her and his precious became one and now they were crying their eyes out and he couldn't do anything. No!!! Precious!!! He said this and woke up.

He was drenched in his sweat and was breathing heavily. He moved his head to understand where he was. He looked at Avni who was now soothing him by rubbing his back and whispering, 'Its okay Adi! It was a dream. ' When his heartbeat came to normal he sighed in relief. He hugged Avni like he never wanted to let her go. He was so afraid.

Avni continued to rub his back in circles. It pained her to see him like this. When Aditya's breathing became normal, she asked in her gentle voice, 'Talk to me Adi. What was it?'

Aditya placed his chin on Avni's shoulder and said, 'It wasn't a dream precious. It was a damn memory that I try each and every day to forget but it still comes back to me in sleep.'

Aditya closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them. Then he said, 'You wanted to know about my past and all this time I had been ignoring it. But, I think I am ready to tell you now.'

Avni could sense the difficultly he was facing to open up and tell her. So she said, 'Its fine if you don't want to tell me. I can wait Aditya.'

Aditya shook his head and said, 'No, I want to tell you. I don't want to keep it inside me anymore.'

Avni nodded in understanding and said, 'Okay then, tell me.'

A/N- Hey my precious readers! So, give me your feedback on this chapter. I am sorry if I messed up the nightmare part. ; )

I would love to hear from you about this part and what do you think what's the story behind Aditya's nightmare?

Thanks all of you for reading and voting. Keep voting and commenting. Have a great day! :)

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