Part 20

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After finishing with the morning chores, Avni sent a message to Sandhya about meeting her. The reply came instantly and the time to meet at noon was decided with the place. But now the only problem that existed was telling Aditya of her whereabouts.

She decided to come up with an excuse or something but she couldn't decide what she should tell him. Just then, Aditya came inside with the hot coffee and some breakfast. Avni's eyes softened at the sight of him. It just hurted her to even look at him. He is such a gorgeous man, Avni thought.

'Good morning precious! I brought breakfast for you. ' Aditya said grinning.

'Thank you Adi! Its so sweet of you.' Avni said fluttering her lashes at him in a dramatic way.

Aditya chuckled and said, 'How do you know I am sweet? You haven't even tasted me yet.' He winked at her and Avni felt her cheeks heating. Her eyes widened at his double meaning statement.

She found herself lost for words. 'Uhm..' Their first make out session replayed in her mind and she scolded herself for remembering at this time.

Aditya looked at her with a smile and said, 'What are you thinking?' She didn't say anything but shook her head and bit her lip from keeping herself from laughing at her stupid thoughts.

Aditya was enjoying too much looking at her change of expressions. He never thought of flirting with her. He never even flirted with anyone for that matter. It seemed he was making some exceptions with her. She deserved it because she wasn't like any other woman, he thought.

After a moment of recovery from her thoughts she spoke. 'Lets eat the breakfast.'

After that, they both ate in silence while keeping their thoughts to themselves.

Avni thought now is the time to tell him that she need to go out. But before she could say anything, Aditya said, 'I have to go with Sal today in the afternoon for a meeting. I hope you don't mind. It would take about one or two hours.'

Avni nodded and said, 'Yeah its fine. I had to go shopping anyway so I'll spend my time in shopping while you are in your meeting.' Avni thanked god for giving her the time to meet Sandhya.

'Alright! I'll arrange for your conveyance. When do you need to leave?' Aditya asked in a businessman tone.

Avni didn't like the idea of anyone accompanying her. She said, 'You don't have to arrange for anything Adi. I'll take care of myself.'

Aditya frowned and said, 'Ofcourse you are not leaving alone and that is final! No more argument.'

Aditya said it in such a commanding tone that Avni found herself nodding. It was always like this with Aditya. Whenever he said it with his bossy way she couldn't help but listen to him.

Aditya looked at her and said, 'So at what time will you be ready? '

'Well.. I think I will leave at 11:30.' Avni said nervously and scolded herself for it. She didn't want Aditya to know that she was nervous about something.

Aditya sighed thinking that she is intimidated by him and said, 'I am sorry precious if I am being a jerk. Its just that I care about you.' He said honestly and Avni smiled.

He looked so cute with that expression on his face that Avni nodded and said, 'Its okay! I understand Aditya. If you want me to go with someone I'll go.'

Aditya grinned at her said, 'It is settled then. The driver will be waitng for you outside.'

Avni wore a white sundress with red flowers and made a ponytail. She was all ready to leave and said to herself in her mind looking at the mirror you can do this.

She took all the essentials and went outside where a white Audi was waiting for her. As she reached towards it, the driver greeted her with his smooth heavy voice. 'Good morning Mrs. Mehra! My name is Evan.' Avni greeted him back with a smile and got inside the car.

Avni told him to drive her to the mall where she and Sandhya had decided to meet. It was the best place to meet because there no one could suspect anything. 

She stood in front of the building which read Plaza del Duque. The architecture was unique and magnificent. It was covered to a large surface area. She entered inside and began searching for Sandhya.

Soon, she saw the shop where they decided to meet at the other end. Her heartbeat quickened and she felt nervous. What if what she tells her is ugly or what if she's not ready for it. She calmed her nerves and then walked towards the shop.

Just when she was starting to walk, she heard someone call her name. Avni didn't turn thinking it might be someone else. But then, again she heard her name and this time the voice was clear.

She turned towards the source of the voice and was surprised to see that it was Eva who called her.

What is she doing here? Oh god! She thought.

Eva reached closer with a wide smile towards Avni. 'Hello there! See who's here! I didn't expect that I would find you here.' Eva said to Avni.

'I too didn't expect to meet you here Eva. How are you?' Avni said half heartedly.

'You are here that means the lover boy must be around here too. Where is he?' Eva asked looking around Avni.

'Actually I came here alone. He is in a meeting so I thought I could just do a bit of shopping. You know, to pass my time.' Avni explained Eva.

Eva nodded and said, 'Oh! Well I could help you in that department. Besides, I just did my own shopping so I am free to help you out.'

Avni didn't want Eva to wait. She just wanted to meet Sandhya. She began thinking about any excuse she could give to Eva to prevent from staying with her.

'No, its fine Eva. You don't have to take so much pain for me. I don't want to make any trouble for you.' Avni said but Eva just smiled at her and shook her head.

'You are very kind to think that Avni and Aditya is very lucky to have you but trust me I want to help you. And with that, I'll also get the chance to know you better. Perhaps, we might become good friends too.' Eva said excitedly.

Now after this, Avni didn't know what to say. She was speechless. Without any word, Avni followed Eva.

A/N- hey guys! I'm sorry that I couldn't update sooner. I know the chapter is smaller but I was so much tired. I will try to improve next time.

Thank you my lovely readers for supporting. You all make me keep up with my writing.

Keep reading and don't forget to vote if you like it and please tell me about your views. Have a nice day!!

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