Chapter 2: The doors are opened

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"Harry, dear, you're ready for tonight? Everything has been set up for you at home and I'm just grabbing a few things for your welcome dinner" Jay's voice trickled through the phone.

"You really don't have to go into any trouble, 'm already grateful for all the things you're doing for me" Harry responded with his shoulder pressing his phone against himself, his hands wrapping up all the books and journals he's taking with him.

"Oh don't be silly, we're family now, okay? Just pack up what you need because we can always get new things and you can always go back to get anything you may have forgotten. Do you need anything else? I can send a driver or someone to help pack? Have you eaten?" said Jay filled with both excitement and worry.

"Yeah, I'm just checking through things now" Harry chuckled. "Don't worry about it, really though, you don't have to go through any trouble at all, you're already doing more than you needed to"

"I'm just-" Jay began.

"It's going to be okay, I'm already finished packing up, I'll be there in an hour or two" Harry pointed out.

"Okay then. Take care, I'll see you at home"

"Alright, yep, you too, bubbye"

The curly lad placed his phone down onto his empty bed before looking around the room; memories began flashing through his mind like an old film. He remembered how his mum would lean against the door with the warm smile of hers as she asks about his day and what he was doing as she goes on about her day at work. Gemma would also come in and ruffles up his hair before walking out with the door intentionally wide opened. The room even brought back the memory way back to when Robin came and talk to him after a day where he was upset from school because his football team didn't win the match. All of these little things meant more than Harry could have ever imagined it to. It's the littlest, tiniest things that made Harry missed them most. Tears began forming in his eyes and before they could fall down Harry's cheeks, he wiped them off quickly and quickly occupied himself with other thoughts.


Harry pushed in the last remaining boxes into his car before shutting the door; he turned around to glance around the house one more time and the truth was he didn't know how long it would be until he's back here again. Harry didn't know how much time it would take for him to be able to live in this house again but the one thing he knew was that this was home. And it will always be home.


As Harry drove into the area the Tomlinsons lives in, he began glancing around left and right; there's elegant, Mediterranean styled houses marbling the whole place with floral gates and vines on the walls. The houses were somewhat bigger than the one Harry used to live in with his family. The whole place looked so cozy and warm but Harry didn't know why or whether or not it's the little trees and flower bushes or the warm colour of the houses. As he reaches his destination he looked around for confirmation that he was where he's supposed to be. Harry gave the house a glance as he got out of the car.

"You must be Harry?" Asked a small woman as she walked over to Harry. "I'm Marge, it's a pleasure to meet you".

Marge was quite old, Harry realised when he looked at her properly, she had thin grey hair with a few blacks and her small lips were painted bright pink. Marge wore a blue dress with a little apron covered in little roses and what looked like cocoa powder. As old as she was, she was full of life and comforting, warm smiles. She was a nanny at the Tomlinson's house and took care of all of Jay's kids.

"Hi, 'm Harry" Harry ensured her with a soft smile.

"I was just making my famous chocolate and almond pie for your welcome dinner tonight. 'M sorry dear if I look like a mess, I'm getting old and things start getting out of hand" Marge chuckled softly.

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