The Accident

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"Yes?" said Harry as he adjusted the phone to his ears, his other hand rubbing his left eye. 

"Mr Styles?" Asked the caller.

"Mhm" Harry mumbled.

"I'm calling from the hospital, your family were in a car accident-

"What the fuck" Harry cuts in with the burning feelings rushing through his veins.

"-The police asked me to contact you immediately. I think it's best if you come here as soon as possible" finished the Lady.

Harry couldn't let out a word all he could think about was his family, he rushed out of the house as he grabs his bag and sprinted to the car. His shaky hands trembling at every movement , Harry quickly jam in the key once again before starting the engine and bolting out to the sent location.

"No, no, no, no " he chanted to himself as tears began rolling down his cheeks, leaving soft trails of water on each and every drop. 

The road was surprisingly empty, making it easier to drive, Harry's car rushed through blocks by blocks, passing buildings and houses, before eventually reaching the destination with both his body and soul aching from worry.

The curly boy turned into the last curve, shut off the engine and ran out as fast as he could as he wipe the tears from his eyes. He ran through to the lobby area of the hospital and spoke to the nearest person he could find.

"H-hi, 'm Harry Styles. I'm here to see m-my family" said Harry, forcing all his words out as fast as he could as if his life depends on it with his eyes burning with tears once again.

"Yes, okay, er- (the lady looked down onto a computer screen) your mother is in 202. Do you n-" before the woman could finish, Harry already sprinted to the elevator ignoring all eyes on him.

As Harry walked into Anne's room, he noticed a woman sat by the seat near the bed where his mum was on and as he got closer he realised it was Jay. His mum's best friend, Harry see her sometimes but he knew how close they were even if she never really came around much

"Jay?" Harry cleared his throat.

"Oh my god, Harry. I'm so sorry" said Jay, her voice sounding raspy as if she had cried for hours, as she walked up to wrap her arms around the boy.

"W-what did the doctor say" asked the curly boy as he stares blankly at his mum with an empty pit in his stomach. He noticed a bandage around his mum's head with blood seeping through, a huge bruise on the side of her face and a cast around her neck. Anne's heart rate monitor moving slower and slower.

"Honey, I'm so so sorry. The doctor said she won't last longer than tonight. Her brain is internally bleeding, she must have hit her head pretty hard when the truck came through..." said Jay as tears made it's way down her face.

Harry felt cold in the moment, his body slowly becoming numb from his legs up to his head. 

"No, this isn't... this isn't bloody happening... my mum... my MUM ISN'T... no" Harry muttered to himself as he drop himself onto the floor.

"Gem and Robin?" Asked the younger boy, his eyes gazed up at Jay. The look on his face made it even harder for Jay to explain what had happened. The look of vulnerability, sadness, and everything, all at once. 

"They didn't make it" Jay swallowed the lump in her throat, "R-Robin passed in the car after the accident and Gem, Gem didn't m-make it here. They both sat in front, that's probably w-why-" Jay paused as she saw the look in the boy's face.

Harry weeped with sorrow on the cold, harsh floor; it was the kind of cry you probably won't get often and it's better that way. It's the kind of cry that is both dry and wet. Dry because your body is being emptied of all the feeling there is that is good; Soggy and wet because of the streams of tears pooling over you. You feel empty yet full of everything. You're drowned yet alive, just enough to feel the pain surge through your bones.

"I have no one left" Harry mewled. "I d-don't know what else to do, Jay". He dragged his fingers through his hair as he rock back and forth like a child. "She was my world, Her and Gem. I should have been there with them"

"You have us, me and my family, they're your family too. You have your dad" Jay comforted softly.

"If I truly had him, he would have been here. He would have been with us in the first place" Harry forced out with flashes of memories shuttering through his head.

"You should say goodbye to her. Don't let this be her last living memory of yours and yours to her" said Jay gently, guiding the curly lad up.


Harry looked at his mother emptily even if he felt everything running through him all at once. He took in all the details of her face and remembered all the things she would say to him. He wished it could all go away. Like a dream. One glimpse and it all could go away.

He placed his hand gently on her head like she would do when he was a child before kissing him goodnight. Harry placed a warm, gingerly kiss upon his mother's forehead. Kissing her goodnight. Sending her away into a deep, eternal sleep. 

"I love you, mum. This isn't a goodbye" Harry sniffled "We'll meet again and you'll tell me all about it, the places you went to in that world and the people you've met".


Impulse {Larry Stylinson}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя