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Next day...

Natsu's POV
I woke up early and prepared for school. But I really feel bored right now. I just hope there's something fun would happen. I went outside my room and ate with my family. After eating, I started walking towards the exit. "Um, aren't you gonna' ride your car, Natsu?" Wendy asked. "Oh, umm. No. I wanna walk the way to school. Why?" I asked. "Oh, nothing."she said. "Bye!" I said. "Bye! Take care!" Wendy said and I left. I was walking to school, then I remembered something. "Right! I have a practice tomorrow in Basketball. And then the day after that, I'll practice for the coming running race. And then in Friday, I will have a practice in Soccer with my teammates. Hmm... I guess I have a lot to practice for the coming Sports Week next week. *sigh* I can't believe they invited me in the race last year. I'm not really good at it. I mean, it's not my style but I still won."

At school

Gray's POV
I was walking towards the gate and suddenly many girls surrounded me. "Good morning Gray!"they said in unison. "Morning." I said trying to walk pass them. Then later saw Natsu at the opposite side on where I was standing. He saw me and chuckled. So I thought of a plan. Since he's also the school's heartthrob and on the top ranking of the 'most handsome guy' in this school. "Hey! Natsu! Good morning!" I said and the girls started to surround him so, yeah, I'm free! Then not soon enough, I saw a limo stopped in front of the gate. I bet it's Lucy. I saw Virgo opened the door for her and she went out. "Hi Lucy! Good morning!" I greeted her. "Good morning Gray!"she said. And the limo left. "L-lucy! H-help!" Natsu asked for help. "Huh?! (looks at the poor Natsu) Wow! You've got a lot of fans!" Lucy asked. "Please. Help me." Natsu said. "Alright, alright." Lucy said.

Natsu's POV
Lucy walked near the girls. "Listen girls. If you're gonna stick to him like a glue, you'll all gonna' be late for school. And I think you know that It's really irritating when a lot of people are around you so please understand Natsu. Let him breathe for awhile." Lucy said. "Sorry!"they said in unison. Then all of them went inside. *sigh* "Thanks a lot, Lucy." I thanked her. "*sigh* Anytime."she smiled. "Ok then. Let's go." Lucy said and looked if Gray is still there. "I guess he already escaped. I mean went inside." I said. Damn that bastard! He managed to put me in his shoes! "Ok! Let's go." Lucy said cheerfully.


Lucy's POV
I am with Levy, Natsu and Gray eating at school. Erza has a lot to do again. I really want to help her. "Hey, what's wrong Lucy?" Gray asked. "Oh, nothing. It's just I'm really worried on Erza. She has a lot of work to do. And she doesn't even come with us anymore every lunchtime, only free time and recess. I hope she'll be fine." I said. "Oh. Being the Pres is really a big opportunity and of course a lot of stuffs to handle. To think of it. If I'm in her shoes, I would be really stressed right now. But I think I can handle it." Gray said. "Oh, yeah? Like what about awhile ago in the morning. You didn't even managed your situation and instead, you passed it on me!" Natsu said picking a fight. Levy and I giggled. "Ok. Stop it already. You're too noisy. Just eat ok?" I said.

After eating
30 minutes before classes would start

Lucy's POV
The four of us were lying on the ground in the soft green grasses in the school grounds. Well, not at least in the pathway where we walk. A tree is our shade and it's really relaxing and comfortable. We're in different sides and different positions. "Hey! Gray! Wanna do some fun? Come with us!" Someone from his club I guess said. "Sure." Gray said. "Guys, I guess I'll see you later. Bye." Gray said. We nodded. He left. "Hmm, I think Gray will be also busy. He might be with his club these days." I said. "Hmm, same here. You know that I have a lot of sports to handle. And tomorrow, I will practice for Basketball. The day after that, the race. And on Friday, Soccer. But don't worry, practices will be held after dismissal." Natsu said.

Levy's POV
"Yeah, and I'm a part of the Volleyball. I'm going to practice this Thursday. Also after we are dismissed." Lu-chan said. "Ouch. You all makes me feel so left behind. All of you are a part of sports! I don't even have one!" I said. "Oh, then you join one." Lu-chan said. "But what sport?" I asked. "Anything you're interested in. On what your heart tells you. But if there isn't one, maybe your just not really into sports." Lu-chan said. "Well, that might be true. But it's really unfair! Natsu is part of the Basketball, Racing/Running and Soccer. Gray is part of Baseball. You're part of Volleyball. While me, I'm in the Library!" I said being childish. "But what sport do you think your heart tells you?" Lu-chan asked. I thought for a moment. "Hmm... maybe, I think... I think Badminton." I said. "Oh, I think you can ask the other members of Badminton Club if they could let you in." Lu-chan said. "Yeah. I think I should try that. Thanks Lu-chan." I said.

Lucy's POV
"Levy! Levy! Can we borrow books from the library? We really need to research. Can you open the Library for us?" Jet and Droy said. "Oh, yeah. Sure. Why not." Levy said. "Sorry guys, I need to go to the Library. 10 minutes before break is over, so we'll just meet up in the classroom. Bye!" Then she left. "Natsu, do you think Levy is good at sports? I mean if she really joined Badminton?" I asked. No one answered. I looked at him and saw him sleeping. But I was surprised he's silently sleeping. I smiled. *sigh* "I think I'll talk to you later." I said like whispering to the wind.

7 minutes later

Lucy's POV
I decided to wake up Natsu. So I sat beside his lying body. "Hey, Natsu. Wake up. Break is gonna' be over. So get up already." I said while poking his cheek. "Hey, Natsu!" I repeated. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me which causes me to lean a bit to his chest and my wrist in his hand. And he saw me. "Oh, sorry." Natsu said. I stood up. "It's ok. Just get up already. We're going to be late. Break is almost over." I said looking away. He stood up. "Let's go."he said. Then he put his hand over my shoulder to the other side. What?! What the hell is going on?! *blush* "Natsu? What are you doing?" I asked. "Huh? What?"he asked. "Your hand is in my shoulder." I said. "Is it bad? We're not doing anything bad, are we? And it's not a big deal. We're friends, and it's only normal for us. Gray and I also does this." Natsu said.
Dismissal time

Lucy's POV
I was walking towards the door exit. "Lu-chan!" A familiar voice said which sounds Levy. I looked and saw her. "Yeah? What?" I asked while we were walking towards the door and gate. "Are you and Natsu dating?"she asked. *blush* "What?! No! We're not! Why makes you say that?" I asked. "Well, after lunch, we saw you two, Natsu's hand was on your shoulder when you entered the class."she said. "Oh, that." I said. "Yeah. But I think it's not what I think, right?"she asked. "Yeah. I don't even know why he did it." I said. Levy smiled. "Ok, Bye Levy!" I said. "Bye!"she said back. I entered the limo.

•••Hey guy! Sorry if I made a lot of timeskips. And sorry if there are no bit of romance there yet. Soon, I will upgrade my writing skills. Haha. I'll try my best always. Thank you for reading! Please vote, comment and follow.•••


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