Chapter 4

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Hermione trudged up the stairs, dreading the coming meeting. She had absolutely no idea how she was going to explain to Pansy the look she saw in Draco's eyes. She felt absolutely ridiculous thinking about it now, maybe he was having a bad day or…

Her thoughts were interrupted when she realized she had reached the top of the staircase. Pansy was there already, gazing out the window. She was drumming the fingers of her right hand against the wall, when she turned and saw Hermione.

"Finally!", she exclaimed, "This was your-", she stopped suddenly and pulled her hand away from the wall. Her perfectly manicured digits were covered in owl droppings that had been smeared on the wall.

"EEEEEE!", she screamed.

"Oh, for God's sake Pansy! It's not like-", Hermione stopped abruptly when she heard a voice floating up from the corridor below.

"Who's up there?"

Both girls recognized the voice of Filch. Pansy let out a string of choice curse words while Hermione glared at her disapprovingly.

"Now what?", Hermione asked, "I can't get caught, I'm a prefect!"

Pansy rolled her eyes at this and made for the staircase, gesturing for Hermione to follow. Pansy whisked down the stairs with Hermione close behind. When they were about half way down Pansy halted nearly causing Hermione to crash into her.

They could hear Filch's heavy footsteps drawing closer. Then Pansy spun around to face Hermione.

"When I give the word, run", she instructed.

"W-what?", Hermione sputtered, "He'll see us!"

"Ha! He's blind as a bat, and it's dark anyway."

The footfalls were almost upon them.


The girls sprinted down the stairs, whipping past Filch who nearly tottered over. They didn't stop running until they turned the corner into the corridor. Even as they slowed at the end of the hallway they could still hear Filch's holler.

Hermione leaned against the wall breathing heavily, while Pansy fell to the floor laughing. This earned yet another glare from Hermione.

"I don't see what's so hilarious.", she snapped.

"Lighten up Granger.", Pansy replied still chuckling, "Did you see the look on the old man's face? He nearly fell over!"

Hermione gave her a wry smile but didn't allow herself the slightest giggle.

Pansy outstretched her arms, "Help me up.", she said.

This Hermione laughed at, and complied with her request. They started strolling down the hall in a comfortable silence.

"So…what did you need to tell me?", Pansy asked breaking the silence.

Hermione paused to think before answering, "It had to do with this look that Malfoy had in his eyes."

Pansy glanced at her sharply, "You've noticed it too then."

Hermione nodded, "This look of absolute…", she finally found the word to describe it, "hatred."

When Pansy didn't say anything, Hermione continued, "Well, I mean he always gives me a look like that but it went deeper this time, it wasn't just directed at me but the world it seemed."

Pansy nodded slowly, "It's because of his father…Lucius-"


"Yeah, our families are pretty close so he insists that I call him by his first name. But anyway, Lucius raised him to hate, but now that Lucius is pushing him to join the…well, the Death Eaters, those feelings seem to be showing themselves even more." Pansy explained.

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