Chapter 6

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As Hermione angrily paced the common room, Ginny lounged on one of the plush red couches lazily, plucking sugar coated chocolates from a tin and daintily placed them one by one in her mouth.

"Blond bastard.", Hermione muttered.

"You know these are really quite good.", Ginny commented while swallowing.

"That gangly baboon!"

"Oo! This ones crème filled!"

"That scaly slithering son of a-"

"Ugh! I feel so fat!"



Flopping down on the sofa opposite her friend, Hermione looked at Ginny, "What should I do?"

Ginny shrugged, "I don't know…well I do, but murder is slightly illegal."

"But, it's not a bad idea…"

Ginny shot Hermione a withering look.

"I hate him.", Hermione said suddenly.

Wryly, Ginny commented, "Don't we all?"

Hermione sat up and leaned forward as if to tell a secret.

"You don't understand. I really hate him."

Ginny looked on, alarmed as her closest friend swept out of the room towards the staircase. Sighing, she reached for her tin of candy.

"Oh chocolate, at least you'll never confuse me."

Ginny laboriously pushed through the crowds of students in the hallway, as she tried to arrive at Charms in time. She nearly screamed in frustration as a giggling group of first years shuffled to their left and inadvertently blocked her path.

"Excuse me." Ginny said with as much patience as she could muster.

The first years looked up at her, shock registering their faces at the fact that an older student had talked to them. A girl, who was smaller in stature than the rest gasped.

Finally one of the boys in the group regained his senses, "C'mon guys move! Don't you know who that is? It's Ginny Weasly!"

As they moved to press against the corridor wall, Ginny tried to conceal her surprise. She hadn't been aware that her name was that well known throughout the school. She shrugged off the incident however and continued down the hallway, this time rushing. Estimating that she had about a minute before she would be officially late to class, she sped around a corridor.

"Hey Ginny!"

She skidded to a stop and whipped around, pleasantly surprised to see Blaise Zabini leaning against the wall casually. His robes disguised him perfectly for they blended in against the darkened wall like shadows. The only color that gave his position away was the silky green glint of his tie, marking him as Slytherin.

"Blaise." Ginny recovered quickly, "I didn't see you there."

His tanned face suddenly broke into a wide grin. His amusement at her surprise was evident. "Well now that you can see me, why don't we have a little talk?"

Ginny twirled her red hair nervously, "I have to get to class."

Blaise waved a hand at her, as if it would vanish her worries in an instant. "Don't worry about it, what class do you have anyway?"


"Ever been late before?"

"Not that I recall."

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