Chapter 10

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After parting ways with Malfoy, Hermione trudged back to the Common Room, dreading the various conversations she would soon have to have. First, she planned to talk to Ginny privately about her decision; then, she supposed, she would have to have a heart to heart with Harry and Ron. Following Ron's palpitations, she would track down Pansy and try to patch things up.

Hermione groaned, now that was a conversation she was dreading. She suspected that Pansy would either A) Hex her, B) Throw a couple first years and/or Professor Flitwick at her head, C) both A and B at the same time, or D) try to be a good friend and act like her dating Malfoy was wonderful news.

Out of all the reactions that could possibly come out of Pansy, the last was the one that would tear at Hermione's heart the most. She just wouldn't know how to be perfectly happy with Malfoy and have that sort of guilt wrack at her heart.

Finally Hermione faced the portrait of the Fat Lady. The woman in the painting observed her with pity.

Hermione snorted at her expression. "So I take it you've heard about my little situation too then?"

The Lady nodded, sighing dramatically. "I find it all terribly romantic of course, but your fellow Gryffindors seem to be in…er, quite a huff about it."

"Lovely." Hermione muttered.

Bracing herself for a storm, Hermione gave the password and stepped in.

Her announcement was greeted with the exact reactions that she had predicted. Ginny had been exuberant. Harry had been furious. And Ron, well, he turned an inhumane shade that Hermione had never seen before and promptly fainted.

As the catalyst of this incident, Hermione felt obliged to levitate her friend to the Hospital Wing, and stayed for a few moments to be sure he would be all right.

"Er, are you sure he'll be okay Madame Pomfrey?" Hermione asked anxiously as she leaned over the bed where Ron lay prostrated.

Madame Pomfrey flitted around her, shuffling various potions around until she found one that she deemed acceptable for treating Ron. She lifted it to eye level and examined it with narrowed eyes as she answered Hermione. "Yes dear, I'm sure he'll be fine. Now if you don't mind.."

"Oh right, sorry. I'll be going then."Hermione spun quickly away from the bed, reaching the entrance of the Wing when she felt herself crash into someone.

"I'm so sorry!" Hermione apologized. Then she looked up and saw it was Adrian.

Shocked, Hermione stood stock still waiting for his reaction.

Adrian stared at Hermione with a look of bewilderment, and a hint of betrayal. "Err, it's alright." He finally answered. A pause. He continued. "Look, can we talk?"

Feeling tears of guilt prick at her eyes, Hermione answered, "Sure."

"I'm not mad at you."

Hermione looked up sharply. "What?"

Adrian cocked an eyebrow. "You want me to be mad?"

"Well, no." Hermione stuttered. "It's just, I mean, if I were you I'd be seriously pissed."

Adrian cocked his other eyebrow. "I probably should be." He said thoughtfully. "But if you think about, we made no promises to each other. And I think, all along, a part of me knew that you and Malfoy would end up together. He does tend to get what he wants." He gave a half smile at this.

Hermione feigned shock. "What? A Malfoy who gets what he wants? Who would have thought?"

Adrian gave a hearty laugh at this. "You are a gem Hermione."

Blushing, Hermione turned her head slightly. "I mean, not really, I just-"

Grinning broadly, Adrian countered, "No, you are. And Malfoy's a lucky guy."

Hermione gave a genuine smile. "Thanks Adrian. You're pretty great yourself."

"Friends?" Adrian asked.

Hermione grinned. "Definitely."

Seated in the Slytherin Common Room, Malfoy had forsaken the Potions homework that sat on the oaken table before him. He stared at the wall intently, but instead of seeing the ancient gray wall, Malfoy could only picture a pair of warm brown eyes and a soft pink mouth.

He smiled in satisfaction. She was finally his. Now he could only hope that he wouldn't disappoint her. Malfoy's smile fell at the thought. He would hate himself if he broke her heart, and she would hate him too.

No he thought. He'd make sure that Hermione was happy, he was sure about it. Still though, a tiny voice in his head nagged at him. Could he do this?

Merlin knew, he couldn't run from his demons, and the thought that they could keep him from loving Hermione frightened him. He wasn't sure that he could make the transformation from Hermione's tormenter to lover.

But he wanted her. And more importantly, he cared for her. He just hoped it would be enough.

Meanwhile, Theo and Blaise sat at a table a few feet away. They both stared at the immobile Malfoy who seemed completely oblivious of the outside world.

"He's got it bad, doesn't he?" Blaise whispered to Theo.

Theo, who was still a little peeved at Blaise for the incident in the library, rolled his eyes and responded. "I thought that was rather obvious, ever since he started dating Hermione he's been like this."

Blaise shot his friend a look.

The two sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments assessing their blond friend. Then a sly smile split Blaise's face.

Theo looked at him quizzically. When Blaise's eyes darted to one of the bowls of fruit that decorated various tables throughout the common room, understanding dawned.

"No." Theo shook his head vehemently.

Blaise's smile was a full out grin now. "I bet he won't even notice."

"I bet he will."

Before Theo could protest further, Blaise plucked a grape from the fruit bowl and sent it sailing across the room toward Malfoy. It hit the back of his head neatly before plopping to the ground.

No response.

Blaise chuckled. "He is so-"

Before he could finish his sentence an apple catapulted through the air and smacked him on the forehead.

"BLOODY FRIGGIN HELL!" Blaise shouted as he was sent careening from his chair.

Theo smirked at his friend. "What was that about him not noticing?"

"Shut up." Blaise growled.

Across the room, Malfoy just smiled.

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