Chapter 10

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I just want to clarify that CASSIE is Lucy's best friend and CADDIE is the owner from the party where Lucy and Harry met.


+++++++[Edited by 1Direction2340]


Lucy thinks I'm stupid but I'm not. Maybe sometimes I am clueless and well ...maybe a little silly, but that's not the point!

Lucy wasn’t the same when I went to her house on Sunday. I know that something happened with Harry but she didn't tell me and I don't think she would talk with Marcel about Harry. She is so reserved, I hate that.

There is no way to find out what happened and I will not ask Harry for two reasons:

1 - He is not going to answer.

2 - He fucking scares me.

So I must speak with the weakest of the group.

Liam Payne got up from his seat and walked out of the cafeteria. This is my moment, I can do it.

"Lucy, Lucy."

"Yes?" She doesn’t raise her eyes to me.

"I’m going to the bathroom." Lucy nods with her eyes glued to her plate, "And I will do drugs, drink some beers and I’ll fuck Matt in the bathroom." I say before I got up.

"Okay ..." She replied, pinching the little noodles with her fork.

"And I hate Obama!!." I said, trying to get her attention.

Lucy just nods, still with her eyes on that fucking plate.

Oh my god.

She didn’t react, not even nodded and looked at me for what I said, she loves and always defends Obama! This is not the Lucy I know. The Lucy that I've seen these days is a complete zombie.

" Could you pass me the knife ?" I asked, holding out my hand to her.

" No, I'm using it . " She replied.

No, she is not using it but I can't see the fucking knife on the table. Shit.

I grabbed a spoon and turned on my heel to follow Liam Payne. Mentally I reviewed my plan before crossing the cafeteria door.

Liam Payne hasn't noticed my presence, he is just a few meters from me. Liam stops at his locker and I know that this is my time to threaten him like in the movies.

It's my moment, let's do this!

 I walk quickly towards Liam, I grabbed his shoulder and I pushed him against the lockers.

" But what - ? "

"SHUT UP! " I yell and the boy obeys. "I need to talk to you."

"What's wrong Cassie? Are you crazy? "Liam tells me with his back against the lockers.

"Um, no, but ... I had to do that." I admitted embarrassed. Liam laughs softly at my response. "It's not funny, stop it!" I complain.

"What happened, Cassie?"

"I need to talk to you about Harry."

Liam's smile broke down for a few seconds. I can notice that his eyes lose the softness. Liam just can't hide it, I know something is happening.

"Um, sure." He responds.

"What he did to Lucy?" I growled. "I know he did something, don't lie. Did he hurt her, said something or what? "I asked angrily.

"I ... I don't know Cassie." He shrugs. "Lately I haven't spoken to Harry."

I don't know if he's telling the truth or lying.

"Well you better not lie to me Liam Payne. " I warned . " I will protect Lucy no matter what. Perhaps Harry Styles is incredibly popular or sexy or whatever, I don't give a fuck about that. That doesn't give him the right to do something to Lucy. "I glared.

" I know, I know. " He sighs.

" Hope you're not an idiot like your other friends ... and if I know you're lying ... " I took the spoon behind my back and I pointed to Liam .

The boy looks at the spoon and then at me with fear in his eyes. He is possibly acting and making fun of me.

"It should be a knife," I shrug, "but the thing is that if Harry does some damage to Lucy or if I know you are up to something ... I will cut your fucking balls Liam Payne, I swear." I say with the spoon at his neck.

Liam just nods and I take a few steps back from him. How strange, I thought he would take the spoon from my hands and remove my eyes with the spoon but he just nodded.

This is awkward.

"Harry is an idiot, but..."He sighs, “we’re not planning anything, I swear."



" Um, oh well, so...what can I say? " I whisper, thinking aloud. "Nerd, I'm sorry for saying that your life is pathetic." I say, imagining Lucinda front of me. "No, no, too cold and rude." I groaned and sighed.

I can't do this shit.

"Maybe, um...Lucinda, I was an idiot, I'm sorry?...Ugh, fuck!"I hit the steering wheel and I rest my head on the seat of my car. "Stupid bet, I will not do this shit." I groan aloud.

This is really crap.

I don't know how to apologize, I've never had to.

"Lucinda, forgive me for offending you, it was never my intention. I just ..."I pause to laugh at how ridiculous this is. "Fuck." I mumbled.

I keep my keys in my pocket and grabbed the packet that rested on the passenger seat. I leave the car and I walk towards Lucinda's house.

"I'm Harry Styles, I will do what the fuck I want. She must fucking forgive me."I muttered to myself as I approached to her door.

I ring the bell and keep the packet hidden behind my back.

Harry just say something, she'll have to forgive you; don’t accept a "no" for an answer.

I hear a few steps closer coming to the door and it opens revealing Lucinda's mother.

"Hello Harry." Lily smiled.

"Good afternoon Ms. Fray, excuse me but is Lucinda here?"

"Sorry darling but no," She shakes her head." Lucy is with Marcel and I don't know when she is coming back.I think they went to buy some comics."

Buy comics? What the fuck? That's so boring. Stupid, fucking nerd.

"Oh, okay." I sigh.

"I'm sorry that you had to drive up here. Oh, anyway I bought a cell phone to Lucy, now she can keep in touch with you."

I nod. "Really? That's excellent; can you give me her number please?"

"Sure, wait. "Lily enters the house and within minutes she is out with a small paper with Lucy's number.

"You want to leave a message?"

 "No, no, "I shake my head." But I brought this for Lucy. "I say taking the packet behind my back as I handed it to Lily. She looks surprised at me holding the packet.

"Oh, okay ... I will give this to her." Lily nods.

"Thank you, goodbye."

"Bye Harry."

+ + + + + + +



"You went out with Harry this weekend? " Marcel asks breaking the silence.

"You went out with Harry? " Marcel's mother asks from the driver's seat.

Her curious eyes seek my eyes through the rearview mirror, I watch her a few seconds and I nodded. Then I return my eyes to the window next to me.

"How do you know that?" I asked to Marcel, I don't remember tell him about Harry.

Honestly I haven't even talked to Cassie about this; I don't feel the urge to. Everything has gone wrong, I am deeply hurt and...

"He called me." Marcel said.

I turn my head straight at him. "What?"

"He called me to ask what you like to eat or where you like to go." He shrugged.


Now I remember.

When we were at the library Harry went to make a call, so he was talking to Marcel. Don't know what to think about this. Harry asking for help from Marcel, the idea is pretty funny. But I think it's sweet, he talked with Marcel to know more about me.

"Did he say anything else? “I asked, trying not to show much interest.

"Um, I said that you like it the North Pole ice-cream shop and I asked him if he was with you and he said yes. After that I threatened him that if he hurt you, I would hit him."

If I were in the mood I would have laughed but Carly, Marcel's mother, laughs first from the driver's seat. Marcel frowns and I bite my lower lip trying to hold back a smile.

"Mom!" Marcel complains. "You are embarrassing me in front of Lucy!" He crosses his arms.

"Sorry baby! But it's that ..." She laughs again. "Son, your cousin Harry would kill you in seconds. I wouldn't let him was funny, I'm sorry."Carly shakes her head and stays with her view straight to the front.

"This is so embarrassing. Lucy can we ignore what just happened?"

I nod. "Of course Marcel."

"Hey! Today professor Anderson talked to me, remember that we must prepare for the math contest. "Marcel tells me with a big smile.

The math contest!, I had forgotten that. It's what I need to keep my mind off of Harry and his painful words. The math contest is just what I need to return to my normal life.

"Great, I'm very excited."

"I know, me too! I'm sure we will win this year." Marcel says before taking off his glasses to clean them.

"Yes! We will kick their asses." I smile.

"So, guys, you went shopping?" Carly asked.

"We went to buy some comics." Marcel and I raise our bags and wave them in the air.

"I bought a Spiderman and Superman comic and Marcel bought some Batman comics."

"The Dark Knight!" Marcel says raising his comic.

"We're here!" Carly sings parking the car outside my house.

"Thank you, Carly." I say jumping out of the car.

"See you Lucy.”

"See you tomorrow." Marcel says cheerfully.

 It's amazing that Marcel doesn't notice my mood honestly I don't feel good since Saturday. Maybe he didn't notice because he is man, men are not very good with feelings or talking about them, at least that's what I read in some books.

I know that Cassie noticed my mood change but to my surprise she didn't pressure me to know what happened. Thank God.

"Mom, I'm home! " I scream while I close the door.

"Lucy, I'm in the kitchen!" Lily yells back.

I walk towards the kitchen and I can smell a smell of burnt food. Ugh, this is some attempt to prepare food by mom.

"What is that smell?"I ask as I enter the kitchen.

"I was baking a cake and it didn't go well." Mom replied pulling her apron."How was your day? "

"Um, fine, it was-"

"I'm so glad and look at this." My mom points out to two packets on the table. "You got two packages, one is a surprise and Santa Claus brought you the other."

I roll my eyes. Why did she ask me how was my day? She didn't even let me answer!

"So Santa Claus brought one and the other, who brought it?" I ask with some anger in my voice.

"I don't want to ruin the surprise, come on, open it Lucy." Mom grabs the two packages and leaves it in my hands.

Both are square packages wrapped in gift paper. They are not heavy and aren't hollow, what could it be?

"I'll open it privately." I say, leaving the kitchen.

"Oh, okay." She nods a little disappointed.

I don't wanna go to my room, lately I've gone back to my favorite place. I go out to the backyard and walk to the tea house. (A/N: Picture --->)

The tea house is a small wooden pink house that my father built for me when I was only six. I used to play, eat and sleep in that little house. I called it 'the tea house' because I loved to drink tea there.

When I moved in with mom a year ago I decided to bring it with me. That's all I have of my childhood and is the only memory of my father that I could bring here now that he is in London.

I miss him a lot, I have called him these days but he has been too busy to answer his own daughter, sad reality.

I enter gently into the tea house and sit on a small chair. I appreciate that the house is not that small, so I can get away and stay here without feeling uncomfortable.

I ripped the gift paper of the first packet and it is a cell phone.

"Oh no mom, why?." I frowned. I open the cell pack and light the cell phone.

I think the first thing I'll do is download games.

I ripped the second packet and is a book with a paper on the cover.


"I'm a complete idiot, I know. I'm sorry.

You can sneeze in my face again as revenge.

If you don't talk to me tomorrow I'll chase you until you do.

Your stalker



I let out a small giggle when I read the last two sentences. If he tried to be funny with that comment, he was successful.

I can't believe he still remembers the time when I sneezed on his face, I still feel embarrassed about that. I sighed and pulled out the note to reveal that the book is 'The Hunger Games'. Um, this is nice.

I put the book on the tea table and I support my elbows on my knees.

I almost fell off my chair when my phone rings on the table.

It's a message from an unknown number. I can’t believe that my mother gave my number to someone.


Did you like my surprise?

Don't you dare return the book to me or I'll beat the shit out of Ryan again, I swear.

Your stalker, Harry.


I left the cellphone on the table, "your stalker" is kind of a creepy signature. I can't believe it, this is bribery. I wasn't going to return the book but now I have reason not to.

 The book is a very nice gesture from Harry but I can't believe he thinks that with just buying something, I'll forgive him. That's not how things work.

He can't just hurt me and tell me that my life is pathetic and then give me a book saying "I'm sorry". Things will not work in that way between us, Harry Styles.

I'm not going to talk to him tomorrow and I don't care if he is chasing me, he has to do more than that to get my forgiveness.


 I mean it.


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