Chapter 2 "Huh, Guess The Fairy Can Fly"

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Chapter 2,

Bella P.O.V.

So here I am, walking on the streets of Italy, I've found out with my magic powers that Blake is here. So thats why I took a plane from Amsterdam to Italy.

I kicked a stone forward and heard the clinging sound of the stone hitting the ground. But that wasn't the only sound I heard. I heard people talking in the alleyway next to the main road on which im walking.

My curiosity took over and I see myself slowly walking to the alley. The voices started to clear up, and I hid behind a trashcan.

A cold but hard voice was talking, more screaming actually.

"You bitch, you thought we would never find out?''

It was silent for a split second until I heard the sound of flesh hitting flesh and a blood curling scream of a woman.

Without even thinking I started running into the alley, they can't hit someone who probably isn't able to fight back!

I stopped running at the entrance and slowly walked in, only to be greeted by 5 men who were hitting a girl with brown long hair who is like 19 years old.

The men were all bulgy and like 6 feet, but I could easily take them down.

"Stop" I said as calmly as possible.

All their heads snapped towards me, until the 'leader' spoke up.

"Oh honey, you better turn around and walk away before I need to hurt you, i'm not scared to hit girls." He said in a mocking tone,



 mock me.

"He, neither am I"

This made him angry I think? Because he slowly started to turn into the hulk.

"Guys, get her, i'll finish her later, but first this scumbag here." He said pointing to the girl on the ground bleeding.

His guys started to make their way towards me. When they finally reached me I took my fighting stance. At first they looked surprised that I actually knew how to stand, but their look changed quick in a cold one.

The first guy, i'll call him Blue Fairy, because he is wearing a blue shirt. Started making his way to me. Before he was even ready I punched him straight in his face, he stumbled back but recovered quickly. He was about to throw a left hook but I blocked it and grabbed his arm, twisted it behind his back and threw him to the other 3,

huh guess the Fairy can fly.

The fairy flew on the second man and they both fell to the floor, unconcious, serious? This fast?

I didn't had much time to think because another scream came from the girl, and the third man made his way to me. Another scream left the girls mouth and I kicked the man in his face, sending him to the ground. Without thinking I started punching him in the face, when he almost blacked out the 4th man grabbed my arm and swung me over to the ground. I hissed in pain but started fighting again. I kicked the 4th man where the sun doesn't shine, and he fell on the third man. They both were crying in pain.

I casually made my way to the man who was punching the girl. And right when he wanted to punch her again, I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back.

"I told you, to stop."

He was about to kick my knee but I threw him to the ground and started punching his face. Until he grabbed my arm, and flipped us over.

"Who are you?" He said while spitting out blood.

"I'm the girl who kicked your ass."

I kicked his private part and flipped him over again.


I silently laughed but kept a straight face.

"Tell me, who are you?" I said

He cried in pain once again but finally spoke up,


God damnit, another one?

"Which gang?"

But before he answered he flipped us over again,

"So tell me, who are you?"

I didn't answer, and he punched me in my stomach.

"God damnit, streetfighter."

He looked shocked and I flipped us over again.

"Which gang?"

He didnt answer and I punched his face.

"Red guns" he chocked out while holding his nose.

I knew enough and was about to knock him out until he spoke up,

"Wait, you know about me, what is your fight name?"

I stood up and looked at him, he was covered in blood and looked tired.

"Black skull."

His eyes widened and his face turned pale. He started shaking with fear, but before he could say anything else, I kicked him and he blacked out.


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