Chapter 16 "Charlie bit me!"

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Im so sorry guys for not updating any sooner... I was going to upload last week but there was a huge internet problem in my house so I couldn't :( aaanyywaayyy Heres the next chapterr



Chapter 16

Bella's P.O.V.

"Hi Bells, how was your first day at the cinema?" Nate asked me.

You see, after I sent Blakes car to Taiwan he wanted to punish me. And even though I have millions perhaps billions on my bank account I had to work... At the cinema... As in cleaning up the theater after a movie.

"It was great Nate, thanks for asking." I said back sarcasm dripping off my voice.

He just smiled at me.

I walked upstairs, but before I could my phone went off. I looked at the caller ID but I didn't recognize it. I pressed answer and held the phone to my ear.

"Hey wazzup hello." I said.

"Hi Bella! Karl your co-worker speaking. Melanie called in sick for tonights shift in the cinema, could you replace her?"

Before I even had the chance to say no, like everyone would, like why would you want to work on your free night? Blake snatched my phone out of my hand.

"Hi Karl! I would love to!" Blake mimicked my voice.

"Hey! I don't sound like that!" I said but Blake totally ignored what I was saying.

I heard Karl softly speak in the background, and it sounded like an okay.


Blake hung up and smiled at me. He tossed me the phone.

"Your shift start at 8!"

He winked at me and walked out.

"I HATE YOU!" I screamed after him.


I sighed and looked at the time; 7;30.

I sighed again and walked downstairs.

I put my shoes on and grabbed my earbuds.


I hear some faint bye's back and I walk out of the door.


I'm almost at the cinema when my phone goes off. Blake.

I sigh and press accept.


Fired? Why?

"Uhm, why exactly?" I ask while taking a left turn into the alley.

"You know Bella, that if you work in the cinema, you are supposed to clean the theather, not watch movies!"

"Oh..." I say with a smirk on my face.

"Didnt knew that, little bwother"

"Bella if this ha-"

But before Blake could finish his sentence my phone was kicked on the ground.

I turn around to be faced with 7 maybe 8 masked guys.

What the hell?

"BELLA? WHATS GOING ON?" I hear Blake scream from the phone.

I size the guys, they're all around 6 feet and buff, but one guy stands out, he is the strongest of them all, you can see that easily.

He also speaks up.

"So you're Blake's sister.... What a surprise."

"Bella get out of there." I hear Blake demand from the phone, but I ignore him.

"I sure am, but who are you?" I spit back.

"Just some old... Friends of your brother sweetheart."

"Whats your name?" I ask bitterly.

"Charles, my dear, but everyone calls me Charlie." He says with a smirk.

"Bella get out of there, these guys are people you don't want to mess with." Blake sais.

I still ignore Blake and keep my ground. Charlie slowly starts making his way towards me.

I take my fightning stand and so does he.

Charlie tries to grab my arm, but fails, I punch him is his jaw.

"Ah fighter huh? Should've known." He says thoughtfully while unclenching and clenching his jaw.

"Guys, knock her out." He says while snapping his fingers.

The other 7 guys make their way towards me.

The first guy tries to kick me but I grab his foot and flip him over.

The second guy tries to punch me but I jump in the air, grabbing his arm and kicking his face.

Now hes laying on the ground, while I hold his arm and my foot is on his face.

Charlie turns around with a surprised face.

"T-that is the skull-kick... Only the Black skull is able to do that fighting trick!" He says.

I wink at him.

"Of course only she can." I say with a smirk.

"Y-you're her! She's the Black skull! Take her!" Charlie screams at his men.

"BELLA GET OUT OF THERE!" Blake screams from the phone.

The 5 other guys all charge at me at once. I try to fight them off but they're heavy, and tall.

Im crushed beneath them. Charlie has a needle in his arm and tries to prick me.

Hell no, that thing is going in me.

I punch him in the face and he bites me?!

"BELLE WHATS GOING ON?" Blake screams.

Charlie pushes the needle in my arm.


Its silent for a moment, and I feel my eyes getting heavier.



Heeeyaaa its me again ;3 I love you all sowwowo much, all those comments of you make me smile everyday :)

Do you have any questions for me? or the characters?

You can ask me-


Love you all


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