one; are these cookies?

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The building in front of her was huge, to say that much. The stark white walls, the giant A painted on the side. It was all a little much to handle. Though, the file that had been handed to her said to go here after she had been finished reading it, so she kindly took the advice. Also, having a picture attached with the note made everything so much easier. After finding out that she could break her atoms apart and travel someplace before putting them back together had been a handy little tool, she just made sure to have a mental image on where to go.

So, after taking an hour just studying every nook and cranny of the photograph, Lara Roth found herself on the doorstep of the Avengers facility 2.0, duffle bag slung over her shoulder. It was stark white in contrast of the green background, the trees thickly lining the outskirts of the clearing. With her combat boots tied tightly, a fashion trend Lara had picked up from this day and age, the woman walked forward.

The front door to the base was actually quite hard to find. And it's not like she could teleport her ass in there. The building didn't have any windows she was tall enough to see into, and she couldn't guess what the insides looked like. She could end up in some place in Germany if she did that, and even though that would be cool, it wasn't on her bucket list.

So, finding the closest thing she could to a door, her knuckles rapped on it. It was a few seconds later that a man Lara recognized as Tony Stark popped his head out of the door (she guessed right) and looked at her surprised. Lara couldn't help but see the resemblance that Tony had with his father, and almost burst into tears. Howard had come to the funeral they had for Bucky back when, and Lara and him had kept in touch.

Lara even remembered seeing Tony as a baby, and as a child, and growing up. The tears had blurred her vision, and Lara wiped her eyes as she stared at the grown up Anthony Stark. Boy, did people change.

Tony finally seemed to snap out of his shock, looking at the brunette individual in front of him. "Who are you? And why do you look exactly like Auntie Lara... But young?"

Lara laughed, shaking her head before she grabbed the folder that was just zipped inside the duffle bag. She handed it to Tony, before walking past him. Tony took it reluctantly it from her grasp, still having the pet peeve of having things handed to him.

"You're not supposed to be in here!" Tony called after her, making Lara stop, turn around and smile softly at him.

"Read the file, Tony."

The man opened up the tan file, his eyes skimming through the notes and pictures as Lara stood there quietly, examining her surroundings. The hallway there were standing in was neat, the walls still a white. There was some artwork hanging on the right wall, but Lara didn't recognize the work's artist. When her eyes focused back on Tony, he was starring at her with another shocked, questioning expression.

"Can I hug you know?" Lara asked, a smile on her face as Tony nodded his head. Lara embraced the man, smiling widely as she felt the tears accumulate in her eyes again. After Howard and Marie died in that horrible accident, Lara (the real one) hadn't known what to do. She had been mourning, much like Tony, but when she tried to reach out to the boy was cut off by Obadiah Stane, the one who took over Stark Industries until Tony was old enough.

After the tight hug shared between the two, Tony led her to an unoccupied room. Lara walked in gingerly, placing her bag on the bed, and sat down on it. Her hands rested in her lap, and she stared at the wall. Tony suddenly saw that sweet, old lady he knew as Auntie Lara sitting on the bed. It had been like all those times she remembered visiting her with his parents, smiling as he sat at the table and ate the chocolate chip cookies she would tell him she baked for the occasion.

"Can you make cookies?" Tony blurted out, making Lara look at him. She raised an eyebrow confused, and Tony scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "I mean, can you please make some of those chocolate chip cookies you used to make?"

Lara looked taken aback suddenly, standing up from her spot. "You mean the ones I used to make for you when you were younger?" Tony nodded, and Lara smiled softly at him, eyes shining. "You know, your mother used to get on my ass about that. 'He's already a hyper kid, don't give him another reason to be crazy!' she'd say. God, I miss them both."

Her combat boots (which Tony couldn't honestly believe she was wearing, along with the skinny jeans and grey v-neck) made small noises as she walked in the hardwood floor. It was strange that she knew where the kitchen was without having directions giving by Tony, and the two walked in to see Vision and Rhodey sitting at the island.

"Auntie Lara -is it okay if I call you that?" Lara nodded, smiling at Tony over her shoulder. Her smile dropped a little, however, when she noticed that he was looking at his watch. "Auntie, these two nice people will help you with ingredients. I'm running late, however."

Lara turned around and planted a kiss on Tony's cheek, giving him a goodbye before turning to the kitchen. The two men didn't know who Lara was, and vice versa, so the three stared at each other for a second as Tony gathered his things.

"Hi, I'm Lara Roth," Lara said, smiling. She waved her fingers, before she walked to the kitchen, starting to look through the cupboards for mixing bowls. When she found them, she placed them on the counter, smiling triumphantly. Lara then proceeded to crack her knuckles and neck, before turning back to the two males. "It's alright if I make some cookies, right?"

The two just nodded, staring at her wide-eyed.


Lara had made a lot of cookies. Mostly because Rhodey and Visiom kept on eating them. But, the cookies have been made and arranged neatly on a platter, the kitchen cleaned, and Lara was now sitting on the couch, reading a book. Well, rereading. The Fault in Our Stars was one of this clone's favourite books, and Lara understood why. It made her cry, feeling something, like she had lost a loved one. And she had. She lad lost both her parents, Steve and Bucky all in the span of a couple years, and no one should have to face that hardship alone.

It wasn't until the door opened rather loudly, making Lara jump did the older -yet young looking- woman look up from the book. In marched in a shocked looking brunette, a red head with a stoic face, a dark skinned man dressed in a goggles, and the man she recognized as Steve Rogers. Lara's mouth opened slightly, the hardcover book dropping from her grasp and landing on the floor with a small thud. That was enough.

All four people looked at her, all of them with confusion on their faces. The red head pointed to her, turning to the dark skinned man and whispering something. Probably asking who this mysterious woman was.

Steve, who's confusion turned into shock stepped forward. "Lara?" He whispered it, sounding breathless. Lara took in his face, his blue eyes that had hints of green, his blonde hair was shorter, and styled differently. He looked more athletic somehow.

Getting up from her spot, Lara nodded. Tears were escaping her eyes due to happiness. She couldn't speak. Lara was just so happy to see Steve again, to know one of her best friends was happy.

The two rushed forward, meeting each other in an embrace as the two older looking people stared at them confused. The younger one was looking around awkwardly, before sneaking out of the room.

"How are you here?" Steve asked, his voice a whisper. Lara almost couldn't get the words out.

"I-I can't explain it. I'll show you the file," Lara had felt Steve nod at the words, before the two of them pulled away. They just stared at each other, smiling their smiles (Lara also crying) taking in the other. They had survived one way or another, and Lara was ecstatic. She couldn't believe how much Steve has changed.

Opening his mouth to say something, Steve was cut off by the dark skinned man. "Dude, are these cookies?"

Lara peeked around Steve, a chuckle escaping her lips. "Yeah, they are."



i could see tony as one of those kids who just can't sit still. they have to keep moving are else something will get them, you know?

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