nine; i've never had a suit

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Spotting Sharon through the windshield, Lara sighed, leaning against Bucky. It was squishy in the back seat, the two of them feeling claustrophobic sitting there. Lara had decided at that moment that the middle was too cramped for her, unbuckled her seatbelt, and moved over to the seat behind Steve's.

They watched Steve for a second, before Lara turned to look at Bucky. He was staring at Sam, a present glare on his face. Sam looked just as serious, from his side profile, and Lara wondered what sticks were shoved up either one of their butts.

"Can you move your seat up?" Bucky asked, his voice serious as he glared at Sam harsher.

"No," Sam answered, and Lara tried to hide her smile. Though, her hand came up to cover her mouth, muffling the giggle that escaped.

She couldn't hold it in when Bucky moved over to the middle, a snort resonating through the car. Both Sam and Bucky glared at her, but she was too busy giggling as to care. With the shrug of her shoulders, she planted a kiss on Bucky's cheek before turning to Steve.

Feeling incredibly cramped, Lara closed her eyes, smiling when she felt the wind on her cheeks, brushing through her hair. Opening her eyes, she waved her fingers at both Sam and Bucky, who were both stuck in the vehicle, before turning around, just in time to see Steve and Sharon kissing.

She pointed at them, giggling again as she turned back to Sam and Bucky, who were both smirking at the man. Lara then walked forward, planting a hand on Steve's shoulder, smirking at him too. "It's about time, Rogers."

He rolled his eyes, before passing her the shield that belonged to him, before grabbing the bird costume, and closing the trunk of Sharon's car. Lara waved goodbye to the blonde, before she was walking over to the car and placing the item into the trunk.

Teleporting back into her seat, Lara felt herself blush when she actually landed on Bucky's lap. She was about to move when the male's arms encircled her waist, and made her stay put. Lara sighed as Steve got into the vehicle, starting it up before they were on the road again, driving out from under the bridge they had met Sharon under.

She recognized the airport as the drove past it, Steve pulling into the parking lot that was connected to it. Her head was leaning back on Bucky's shoulder, trying to get comfortable before she was supposed to get out of the car. When the car stopped, Lara looking up, her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the ominous van parked in the otherwise empty lot.

"I knew you were dodgy, Steve, but I didn't think van's in empty lots are your forte," Bucky said, making Lara giggle as Steve shot him a look. Bucky only smiled at him, knowing that he had his best friend back, and he was going to joke around with the man. It would be just like old times for them. Or at least, Lara hoped so.

Lara heard Clint's voice, her head flashing to the side as she noticed him. He had helped her a lot when she was a part of S.H.I.E.L.D and in training. So, she teleported out of the car and in front of him, wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight hug.

"Clint! I thought you were retired!" She shouted, laughing when Clint spun her around once. He was like the uncle she never had.

"Lara, what are you doing here?" He asked after they let go, Lara feeling Steve, Bucky, and Sam's curious eyes.

"I'm an Avenger now," Lara said in a duh tone.

"You know Clint?" Steve asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"He was my trainer when I was in S.H.I.E.L.D," Lara said, before she took a step back, noticing Wanda. "Sorry, carry on."

Lara skipped back to Bucky, who was leaning against the car. Her arms wrapped around his waist as he stood there, hiding her face in his chest. She listened to Steve and Clint talk about how Cap wouldn't have called if he had a choice, and Hawkeye talking about Wanda.

When she heard the can door click into place after being opened, her head turned to look at the majority of the group. A man was getting out of the van, and Lara raised her eyebrows when Sam and Steve gave each other a look. There was some story that she was going to ask them later, knowing it was either going to to funny, or informative.

Lara hoped it was the former.

The girl watched him get out of the van, being pushed forward by Clint, before he was shaking Steve's hand for to long. With a smile on her face, Lara teleported behind him, giggling when he jumped. She held out her hand, shaking his as she introduced herself. "Lara Roth, nice to meet you."

"Scott Lang," he said, before he turned back to Steve, and she teleported back to Bucky. Scott's eyes widened as she winked at him, giggling when he shook his head and blink a couple times, before continuing his conversation with Steve.

"Was that necessary?" Bucky asked her, looking at Lara as she nodded her head vigorously. Because it was totally necessary to make people jump with her powers, even if it didn't help with the concussion. She noted this as she suddenly felt dizzy, clutching the side of the car before, she was waving Bucky off, explaining that she was fine.

Looking back up at him, she saw the seriousness in his cerulean eyes, her mind going back to a darker place. She felt herself take a step back, her fingers feeling her neck as she continued to back away from Bucky. He looked at her in confusion, before she shook her head and seemed to snap out of whatever trance she seemed to be in.

"We should get moving!" Bucky shouted, Lara focusing on the conversation now, as she looked at the group. They had a pretty good team, and the girl smiled when she hoped they'd be able to beat whoever framed Bucky.

"I've got a chopper lined up," Clint stated, making Lara glad that she wasn't going in an actual airplane. She didn't mind helicopters and quin-jets, but airplanes scared the heck out of her.

A voice came out of the airports speakers, Lara furrowing her eyebrows when she couldn't understand it. She hated that they had to be in Germany, because she didn't understand the language.

"They're evacuating the airport," Bucky announced to all of them, Lara feeling herself sigh. She was doing that a lot; sighing. It was becoming a habit whenever something bad happened.

"Stark," Sam stated, Lara closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose. She didn't want to fight him, but if she had to, she would.

"Stark?" Scott asked, looking around in confusion. Nobody answered him, but she had a feeling she knew what Steve was gonna say.

"Suit up," the male said, walking back to the trunk of the blue Volkswagen and opening it up. He threw different people their suits, except the people that came in the van. A leather suit was thrown at Lara, as she furrowed her eyebrows. She hadn't been aware that she had a suit, but she was ecstatic that she did have one.

"I've always wanted to suit up," Lara mumbled, walking over to the van and climbing in the back with Wanda, the two girls quickly changing into their suits. Stepping out of the van, in the synthetic material, Lara stretched out her arms. "I feel badass."



literally one of the shortest chapters in the book. but yay, more lucky!

and scott is literally one of my faves. the giant fight scene is next!

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