three; no, you move

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Lara had zoned out most of the fighting about the Accords. Of course, she didn't really understand what was happening. The only event she had been really present for was Washington, D.C., and the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. Other than that, she had no idea about the events that had taken place. Hell, she wasn't even really an Avenger, Nick had just told her to go there.

She watched, however, as Sam and Rhodey fought, while Steve actually tried to read the pamphlet. Well, oversized pamphlet.

When Tony was brought into the action after Vision said something about an equation that Lara didn't understand, Lara closed her eyes. She didn't want to be here at the moment. The brunette had only just gotten to know these people, and now she was in the middle of a fight. Though, she didn't agree with the Accords. Sure, the Avengers should have a few rules, but they shouldn't have someone tell them to intervene or not. What if they are needed, but the damn panel tells them that they can't go? What then?

When Tony went on about a college student that had died in Sokovia, Lara knew that Steve's statement about the man was true. Tony had already made up his mind about the issue. He was going to sign, and he wanted the rest of them to sign with them.

Lara's ears picked up the sound of someone's phone vibrating. She watched as Steve grabbed the phone, reading the text that had been sent to him. It would have been a lie if Lara hadn't looked over Steve's shoulder and read the message, wondering what it meant. Who was gone?

"I have to go," Steve said, getting up, putting the Accords down, and briskly walking out of the room. Lara looked at all of them, her eyebrows furrowing when nobody got up or moved after him.

With a small scoff, the woman got up and jogged to catch up with Steve, finding him in the stairwell, leaning over the railing. His hand was covering his eyes, and Lara walked up to him timidly. "Steve, what's wrong?"

The blonde man's hand flashed away from his face as he looked at Lara. She noticed that there were tears in his eyes, threatening to fall from his eyes. Lara walked forward and embraced the man, feeling him start to cry on her shoulder. "She's gone, Lara. Peggy... She's gone."

Lara froze at the familiar name, the powerful, brunette woman popping into her mind. She remembered her, she had already established that, but she didn't know the extent of their relationship until she thought. A sob left the girl's mouth as she realized the woman that had helped so much with the heartbreak Lara had to deal with was gone now. Both her and Howard had been a huge part of Lara's recovery, and even had helped get her a job.

Steve and Lara stood there for awhile, embracing and crying at the fact that one of their loved ones had perished. Steve had already mourned so many people, Lara being one of them, but he hadn't been ready for this. Peggy had been his first love, and the girl that pushed him to be the man that he was today.

"I'm so sorry, Steve."


It had been strange to pack everything up and go to London, England. Lara had never been before, but from what she had seen of the city, it was beautiful. The Cathedral that they had gotten for Peggy's funeral was even more so, and as Lara sat in the front pew beside Sam, tears falling freely down her face, she couldn't even comprehend what Steve was going through.

The brunette watched as the Captain carried the casket to the front, his swollen eyes noticeable. It had been from the crying that both Lara and him had done together, both mourning the wonderful woman. After setting the casket down in its rightful place, Steve came and sat beside Lara and Sam, grabbing the female's hand. Lara gave his hand a squeeze of comfort, one in which he returned to the girl.

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