Well this chapter came out of no where and I honestly don't know about the picture I chose for this chapter but hear it is!
Your POV
I take a set in first period right next to Nathanael. Yet again he's busy sketching and doesn't even bother saying hi. "Well helo to you to, Nathanael."I scoff. "Sorry Y/n I just didn't notice you."He apologizes.
I just roll my eyes, "You know you could of told me."
"T- Told you what?"Nath stuttered. So it's obvious he knows what I'm talking about. "That you like Marrinete."
"Oh, you heard the rumors huh?"He scratches his neck. I just nod. Everything suddenly became awkward. "You know, she has a crush on Adrien right?" WHAT ARE YOU THINKING Y/N!? "I- I mean who knows she might like you too!"I laugh nervously.
He looks down, "It's okay, Y/n. I found out anyway."Nath forced a smile. Oh poor thing. I almost want to hug him. "I- I'm so sorry Nath. It must of been hard for you seeing she likes someone else I mean. I've been there before too."I eye the floor.
"Don't sweat it Y/n it's cool and what do you mean you've been there before? Do you like someone too?"He asked. Little did he know it's him! Well I'm not completely sure yet. I'm like 85% sure which is nearly at 100. "Well I'm not sure yet but I just found out he likes someone else."I smile hoping he doesn't take the conversation further than it has.
Thank god! The school bell saved me!
Bless you bell! Okay I'll stop now.~
Where already half way in class. I guess I didn't catch my self drawing in my note book because I already started to draw a circle for the guide line. I didn't know what I was drawing but I seemed too focused to stop.
Nath's POV
For the first time ever I'm actually taking notes in class and Y/n is sketching. It's like ether I'm drawing or she's taking notes. It's never at the same time if you know what I mean.
I try to take quick glances of what she's drawing but I can't make it out cuz' her wrist is mostly covering it.
Soon I just give up and continue talking notes. I can ask her what she was drawing later."Gah! What did I do?"Y/n stands up dropping her pencil. "Y/n is there a problem?"Mrs. Bustier asked her in a annoyed tone. I then looked at the drawing and its, me?"I- I need to use the restroom."She studders and takes her note book along with her.
Wait. Earlier she mentioned that she found out that her crush liked someone else. She never mentioned who but she drew me with hearts around it. So her crush is me?
Your POV
I run to the bath room and just stare at that sketch of Nathanael that I drew. It had hearts around it too and he must off saw! Just perfect Y/n! I then tear it out and through it in the trash and walk back out.
Finally I get back in the classroom and everyone's eyes are on me except for Chloe. Wonder where she went. I then sat in my seat and putted my head down. I can't belive I drew him! Your so stupid Y/n! "Are you okay, Y/n?"Nathanael asked. Perfect! Just perfect. "Peachy."I murdder lifting up my head as the bell rang.
I then get up and start walking out of class. "Oh, Y/n!"I hear Chloe call behind me."What do you want, Chloe?"Nath barked at her.
She rolled her eyes, "Not you! I need to talk to Y/n in private like now."She demands. Both Nathanael and I glance at each other before he walks away.Well this is perfect. What does the queen want now. "I know your little secret, Y/n."Uh, okay? What is she talking about. "What secret?"
"Sabrina."She snaps her fingers as Sabrina holds out a drawing of Nathanael. The one I drew! "I- I thought I threw that away!"I studderd."So that is true then! You like Nathanael. Well hears the deal missy."Missy? What the heck? Who uses that word anymore?"Either you keep a long distance away from him or we humiliate you in front of him!"She laughs. "Um, first off Chloe I'm pretty sure he already saw the drawing since I'm sitting right next to him. Second how can I avoide him if I set next to him almost every period!"I point out.
She thinks for a second, "Your right Y/n. We should of thought this more threw Sabrina. Well, we can still humiliate you if you don't watch your step. If I were you I'll keep your eyes open. Nice talking to you!"She leaves as Sabrina follows.
"What did she say to you?"Nath asked as I walked up to him. "Nothing much."I murdder. "Did she threaten you?"I just shrug. Well it will be fun now having Chloe on my back. Like, not.
-Time Skip to Marrinette's
House!-"So, Y/n what did Chloe say to you earlier."Alya asked. All great she must of saw. "Not much. Just threatened me."I srug and take a bite of a cookie her parents baked freash from the bakery. "About what?"Marrinette wondered. "Well, in class I acedently sketched Nathanael. So I went to the bathroom to go and thorough it away. I guess Chloe got out and saw me and took it when she can."
"So that's why you yelled in class."Alya nods. I just roll my eyes. "You know, you can just tell him how you feel so she can't touch you."
"I can't, Alya! He's my best friend and
if I say anything like that to him it can
ruin our friendship!"I plead."Well girl, all
I'm saying is it will drag the whole Chloe situation out of the way and you won't have to worry about her anymore but you can do it your way if you want."Some time passes. There were some laughs and talk about Adrien and how cute and awsome he is. Before I knew it it was already 5:30 and Alya and I started to get going. "We should totally do this again but next time we should go to the movies."
"Yeah, we should."Marrinette agrees.
"Well, I should get going,"I stand up.
Alya does as well, "Me too see you later Marrinette."Both Alya and I leave through the Adic door. Once where out of the bakery I notice I forgot something. "Crap, I forgot my sketch book I'll see you tomorrow Alya."
"Alright! By girl! Don't you forget about the whole Nathanael thing!"She waves as I run in the store."Did you forget something?"Her mother asked I nod as I run up the steps. As I'm walking up the stairs I start to hear screaming outside. Weird. Proboally another Alcoma attack.
"Marrinette, I forgot my sketch book..."My voice faded seeing her jump out of the window dressed up like ladybug. Marrinete is ladybug?

Forever? (Nathanael X Reader) (On Hold)
RomanceYou and Nathanael been close friends since the start of middle school. Over the years you've developed a huge crush on him whitch acedently led to you sketching him in your sketchbook. Only to find out, he likes someone else. That someone else is M...