Chapter 8: Ditch

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So hears the trailer of the movie you and Nathanel are going to see! I'm also gonna see it today so that's why I thought I should make a chapter on it😆 Well, hear it is!!😄💜

Your POV

We waited till everyone was out of site till we finally escaped. I always wanted to ditch. Though, I never had the guts too. Now I am with Nath. What if my parents find out? That's the only fear I have.

"Okay, cost is clear. Let's go!"Nathanel grips my wrist as we start to exit the school. "N- Nathanel wait."He stopped and looked back. "What if our parents find out?"I asked worried letting go rubbing my arm. "Even if they do you have an excuse. The whole school knows two so your proboally getting a phone call home anyway."Nath smiles.

That still didn't help. He puts his hands on my shoulder, "Look, if you don't want to do this-"
"No. I do, let's go."What the f did I just say?

We walked through the park. We were talking about wat we wanted to do when we were older. We had similar dreams. Our hands lightly brushed against eachothers. I look down and feel my face heat up. Slowly I try to reach for his hand. He grips it. I swear my face is proboally a tomato by now.

"So do you wanna hit the movies or go to this restraint down down?"He asked not making eye contact rubbing his neck. "Movies sounds fine."I give him a week smile.

We saw Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life and it was pretty good. Not as good as I expected but good. It was mostly about this new kid going to this new school and there being rules. The principal was very strict. I laughed so hard at this one part where he asked about a test to the student if they got a question about his nipples and I swear to god I laughed so dam hard I choked on my drink.

Afterwords Nath and I just walked around town more holding hands. "Hey what time is it?"I ask out of the blue. "Almost 3 why, some place else you rather be?"I shake my head and lean on his shoulder. "No, just with you."

"Cheesy!"He snorts. I punch his shoulder as our hands let go. "Ow! Okay I was just kidding, N/n."At that moment I was like a dear caught in the head lights. He, called me by my nick name. Only three people know my nick name. I rarly tell anyone. Or even let anyone say it. "You okay, Y/n?"He asked worried dragging me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just... surprised that's all."He then gives me a worried look as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Why? Is is because I called you by your nick name? Don't worry, I won't call you by it anymore."

My eyes widen, "N- No no no, it's fine Nath, I was just surprised. You know? I only told you it once. I still can't believe you remembered it."
His face softens, "Why would I forget it, N/n~?"I smile looking down. He picks up my chin and starts leaning in. Our lips meet.

-Time skip!-

It rolled around 4 o'clock. He dicited to finally walk me home. There was a lot of teasing and laughing along the way. Once we got to my house I gave him a tight hug and a quick kiss before saying by.

Finally, I reached my front door. I was so nervious to open it. My hands were shaky! I did finally. Once it was fully open no one was in site. I sigh in relive shutting the door. "Well, well well. Ditching with your new boyfriend I see?"The voice made me jump off my feet facing her.

"M- Mom! I- I-"
"I was gonna let you off because the school called and told me what happened to you. It was even on the news! Just because after all of that you think it's okay to ditch school with Nathanel?"There was a long pause. "Well, I uh..."
"You thought wrong. Your grounded."She crosses her arms.

"WHAT?!"I exclaimed. "Room now."She snaps pointing up stairs. I groan running up the stairs and slamming the door. "AUGH! I HATE YOU!"I yell as hard as I can.

"I WOULDN'T BE SAYING THAT BECAUSE IM CALLING NATHANIEL'S MOM TOO!"This is why I didn't want to ditch! A tear streamed down my check as I soon flopped on my bed regretting everything.

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