Chapter 11: Heartbreaker 2 (short)

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This is a short chapter!!! I honestly don't know how to end this story so if you have suggestions please comment! That will help me a lot!!!! :)))


Nath's POV

Is what she's saying is true?! Is she ladybug? "What? No way!"My mouth drops. "Yes I am, and the reason why Y/n, got alcumitized is because she likes you and I rurined everything and that's why she wants to hurt me. Don't worry I'll protect you when I transform to ladybug."She puts a hand on my shoulder.

Your POV

"Pound - it!"I look up seeing, ladybug and cat noir?! "W- What happened?"I asked. I see a hand offer to help me up. I take it. It's, Nathaniel. "C- Can you please explain to me what happened?"I asked.

He took us to a park bench as we sat down he began to tell me everything.
About how I was alcumitized and that I wanted to hurt Marinette because I was jealous. He also mentioned how I tried to get all up on him.

I gasped, "I- I'm so sorry, Nathaniel. T- That wasn't me! You know I'll never do that."I plead putting a hand on his shoulder. His face softenes, "I know, and there was just something about you. When you were alcumitized. I- I think I like you, Y/n. I truly like you. Would you... go on a date with me?"He grabs both of my hands.

"Why would I say no to that?"I ask. He chuckles, "I knew you wouldn't."Nath kisses my check.

He then looks down and checks his phone. "I- I gotta go. Pick you up tonight at seven?"He asked.

"Wait... is that Marinette?"I look at his phone. "What? No!"He obviously lies. I groan, "Whatever don't tell me! We can cancel that date!"I get up and splat at his face. Nath instantly grabs my wrist. "No wait! Fine! I- I'll tell you but you'll have to keep it a secret."I look back.

"M- Marinette is ladybug. She told me when you we're alcumitized! Just promise not to tell anyone!"He cried begging. "Nathy, please, I already know. I accidentally walked in her room one time and saw her transform! Thank god she didn't see me!"I breath.

It looked like something caught him off guard. "N- Nathy?"He asked.
I gasped realizing, "I'm so sorry! I won't do it again!!"

He face was so red. I couldn't help but to chuckle, "Your face is red."I giggle. Nathaniel groans, "AUGH! Your killing me you know that, Y/n?"

I laughed, "I know... it's because I love you."I kiss him on the cheek. He then covered his face. "D- Don't look at me!"He hides himself.

"Aww... but your so cute!"I tease.
"AUGH!"He groans again and I keep laughing.

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