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We all sat in the Principal's office, nervous but all for different reasons. Tegan was worried because she had never done anything wrong and this could ruin her perfect record. Mia was nervous because she was getting in trouble a lot lately and she could get suspended or worse. And I was worried because if it's something big then I might get my title of Swim Captain removed. 

They were both whispering to themselves. Mia was cursing about us two and was saying something like 'This is the exact reason you're Miss and not Mrs' - most likely about Miss Stevens. It seemed like Tegan was praying, praying for her record to stay squeaky clean. I was a Catholic myself but I wasn't as religious as Tegan, she went to church every week and I rarely went.

"Can you both shut up." I snapped.

"A please would be nice." Tegan replied but they both shut up. 

I examined their faces more closely. Ever since the incident I noticed the they've both been more shut off and it's hard to read their expression, where it used to be so easy. But I guess it's the same with me. Mia was biting her lip, something she started doing a year ago. And Tegan was breathing weirdly and irregularly, something she started doing whenever we had a test. I always rolled my eyes when she did this, she only needs to worry when there's important exams but anyway that's only at the end of the year. 

I was surprised at myself. I still knew everything about the girls even the things that have happened since we stopped talking. I didn't want to, I didn't want anything to do with them and they didn't want anything to do with me.

We all found new friends, ones that suited us better, ones that had more in common with us. I had Harper and Alice, they have been here for me no matter what. But I don't tell them secrets - that's what tore my last friendship apart. Alice is the quiet one but is hilarious when she does speak. She's the one who cheers me up whenever I'm down, she cheered me up everyday for a week after the incident. Harper was super bubbly and was always honest. I looked up to her, no matter what she would support the one in the right and every week she went to help out the elderly. There wasn't an evil bone in her body. Well, there have been rumours that she had a bad childhood and that she still hasn't recovered from it. But I dont believe them. And even if they were true I wouldn't care, we can't change the past but we can change the future, plus I wouldn't want anyone judging me on my past.

Mia had Chloe, the super rich and pretty girl. Chloe was petite and blonde - everything that the boys fall for. She is also the one who threw the best parties and was known for them. And then Tegan has Carly, the one who has to tutor all of the popular ones. I used to feel sorry for her as she had to deal with all of the popular's but now I don't care. It's her fault for having no life and studying all the time.

Suddenly the door burst open, giving us a fright and tearing me out of my thoughts. Then Miss Stevens walked in, her face red and to say she was fuming was an understatement. 

"What was that?!" She yelled. None of us replied.

"They started it." We said at the same time in whiny, innocent voices.

"What happened to you three? You used to be best friends and didn't care about the stereotypes. I used to tell the Principals of other schools about you three. About how you were best friends despite the stereotypes you are or what you are expected to be. What can I say about you now?" Miss Stevens said.

"Sorry miss." Tegan said.

"Sorry about what?" Miss replied.

"About the fight." I replied.

"That's the thing. You aren't sorry about the incident, I bet you haven't even talked to each other yet alone about it." Miss Stevens said in a disapproving tone.

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