One Year Since

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A.N: I am against stereotyping just so you know. This is just a taster chapter of what my book will be about, hopefully I will be updating regularly soon xx

Today was different.

Walking down the school corridor my palms were sweating and I was shaking badly. But my best friends Harper and Alice were there for me. Or should I say new best friends. 

Today marked exactly a year since the incident which left me hating my best friends and them hating me. And everyone else knew that too as they were all staring at me as I was walking down the corridor. 

At first I thought there was something wrong with what I was wearing but then I double checked and it looked alright. Black jeans, green jumper and black boots. Loose and kinda sporty - just like what Jocks were meant to wear.

 I never used to wear things like this, I usually wore whatever I wanted and I didn't care what everyone else thought

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 I never used to wear things like this, I usually wore whatever I wanted and I didn't care what everyone else thought. But now I had to act like a Jock since that's who I was stereotyped as. 

When i got to my locker I found it covered in pictures of me and my old best friends - Mia and Tegan. My hands balled into fists, I was already stressed about today I didn't need anyone making it worse.

"Who did this to my locker!?" I shouted down the corridor. Everyone's head turned towards me, except Tegan and her bunch of nerdy friends. I could see that her locker was covered in pictures too, but she didn't make a scene - she was never one to make a fuss.

"It was him." A boy said pointing to his friend.

I marched up to the boy and threw a punch at him. But before my fist connected with his face it was stopped by Harper. 

"You need to show that you don't give a damn." She whispered in my ear.

I muttered an apology to the boy and went back to my locker. Firstly I took off all of the pictures and then i got out my books for today and walked to class.

There was still 15 minutes until the teacher came in but most people were using their free time to muck about in the classroom. 

We reached the door and Harper and Alice went in but then Tegan and her 'friends' came to the door at the same time as me. 

Tegan and I both started to enter the door at the same time and knocked into each other.

"Watch it."

"I was hear first." We said at the same time.

By now everyone's attention was on us as we had a glaring contest. I looked at what Tegan was wearing and I nearly laughed out loud. It was typical nerd clothes, trying to be a kiss ass and a teachers pet. 

I was one of the most stubborn people you could meet so I wasn't going to back down - plus i was also one of the most competitive people you could meet

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I was one of the most stubborn people you could meet so I wasn't going to back down - plus i was also one of the most competitive people you could meet. Which made sport so much easier.

The 10 minute warning bell sounded making me jump. And being the nerd she is Tegan rushed into the classroom - not wanting to be late. I rolled my eyes, that girl was so pathetic.

I walked into the classroom and everyone resumed with what they were doing. Tegan and her nerds at the front, Mia and the popular's at the back and my Jock friends by the window at the side of the classroom.

I started to make my way across the classroom, avoiding most of the popular's - they hated my guts. But I stopped when I was hit with a screwed up piece of paper, then another, then another. I moved out of the way and they kept coming but it looked like the person was aiming for the bin. 

I picked up one of the pieces of paper and read it. Immediately a scowl formed on my face and i knew who wrote it. 

"Next time you have something to say, say it to my face, bitch." I said to Mia. Again everyone's attention was on us. It was like we were their entertainment. We haven't spoken to each other in a year but everyone gets entertainment from the rumours and gossip.

She just ignored me.

"I was talking to you." I growled. Today was one of the days where my bitch side would come out and it isn't pretty.

Mia got out of her chair walked to me until we were face to face.

She was wearing the stereotypical popular outfit but it wasn't slutty like some of the other popular's.

She was wearing the stereotypical popular outfit but it wasn't slutty like some of the other popular's

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"Does it look like I care." She said.

I could feel the anger rushing up inside of me and any minute I was gonna punch someone.

I unscrewed one of the pieces of paper and read it aloud. "It was all that bitch Katie's fault."

I unscrewed a few more and read them out too. 

"Tegan was the reason we're not best friends again, not saying who was right and who was wrong." 

"I don't trust anyone now because of them." 

"They exposed some of my worst secrets." 

By this time Tegan had come up to us and we were all facing each other with scowls on our faces. 

"Just tell the truth. Just say that it was you and you're sorry." I said to Mia.

"Just admit that you were wrong." She shot back.

"And Tegan. You're the one who let us get to this point so thank you, thank you very much." Mia added sarcastically.

"Don't you dare start." Tegan threatened.

"Or what." Mia replied.

That's when the chaos started. We were screaming at each other, sharing our views on the other two. And voicing our version of how the night went. 

But one comment that they said in unison sent me over the edge. It was the thing that started off the whole argument. 

I lashed out and punched Tegan in the nose as she was closest to me. Straight after blood came flowing out of her nose.

I knew that I had pushed her too far. I saw what was coming so I stepped out of the way. Instead of pushing me she pushed Mia sending her over a table. 

When Mia got up and regained herself I could see that her face was red from anger and embarrassment, but there was also scratches on her face from when she 'fell'.

Mia brought out her hand to slap Tegan but she ducked and Mia ended up slapping me. Leaving a bright red mark on my face.

"Katelyn Summers, Amelia Evans and Tegan Daniels." The voice of our vice principal boomed.

It was never a good sign when she used your full name and your surname. And I hated my full name, it was ugly and i never let anyone call me by that name.

We all turned around to face the fuming vice principal Miss Stevens.

"My office. Now!" She bellowed while spit was leaving her mouth.

We walked with our heads down in shame. When we were about to leave the classroom I looked back at the shocked and scared faces of my classmates. 

That's when I noticed.

The same boy who put the pictures on my locker was filming the whole thing, with a smirk on his face.

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