chapter 8

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I was still hiding under the bed and it's been awhile since I heard anything. Then I remember the gun Edward kepted in his bedside table. I crawled over very slowly to his side of the bed and reached up to his draw and dug in it for his gun and grabbed it. When I had it in my hands I made sure it was loaded.

I slowly and painfully got up with the help of the bed and made my way to the door and unlocked it. I slowly open it enough to look out and didn't see no one. So I very carefully went to the stairway and slowly made my way down. Once I made it I went to the ground and crawled to the back to the couch and went to the other side and went to the other side and didn't see no one.

I made my way to the kitchen and that's where I found Angela on the floor. I crawled over to her when I didn't see no one. She was still alive thank god. She was shot but still alive. I took her hand into mine. "Where's your cell phone?" I whisper to her. "Left back pocket." She told me. I reached and grabbed it. "Where is everyone?" She pointed to the dining room. "I'm going to go call for help! Don't say a word." I put my finger to my mouth and she just nodded.

I crawled to the side door and looked out and no one was there. I pulled myself up and I took a deep breath and ran for the front gate as fast gate and went through it. I went down a ways and called 911 and waited. When they showed up they pulled me to the side and questioned me. Then they sent me over to the ambulance and tried to get me to go to the hospital and I told them I wasn't leaving.

I called Sandy and she came and was by my side as we waited I didn't know if Edward was still alive or not or even Ben for that matter. It was going into night now and they had blocked off the roads and brought in more police and even a squat team.

We had over heard something about a bomb or something and Sandy and I looked at each other in fear. It's bad enough James is still out there now Mike is also trying to take everything away from me. We sat and waited in the dark as the tears fell from my eyes. The pain meds Edward gave me finally wore off.

The paramedic walked up to us. "This is for pain. At least let us do the much for you and hook up a partial IV so we can give you meds. We don't have to give you a full IV yet but at least you'll be ready when it's over and we can transport you to the hospital." I agreed because that would be what Edward would've wanted me to do.

Just as he gets down and he gives me the meds we all jump when we hear a loud noise and when we look up above all the vehicles I saw fire and smoke. I stood up and started screaming. Sandy stood up and turned me around and held me to her and all I could do is cry into her shoulder.

People were moving in a rush around us and you could hear fire trucks showing up now. It felt like everything was crashing down around me and I felt like I lost everything and I only had just told Edward I loved him. I was losing everything around me. I didn't know how much more I could take.

"Bella!" Sandy called out my name but I didn't answer her. After a few minutes she turns me around and tells me to look and when I did there standing in the distance looking back at me was Edward.

I started breathing heavy wondering if I was seeing things at first. "Bella!" I closed my eyes when I heard him call out my name and when I opened them back up he was walking up to me and I started to walk to him and when I reached him I wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could and cried even harder and that's when my legs finally gave out.

Edward scooped me up and carried me to the ambulance and tried to lay me on the cot but I refused to let him go. So he sat on the cot with me still in his arms. The paramedic took my arm and hooked up the IV live and put meds in and I finally went to sleep.

When I open my eyes and started screaming. "Bella it's okay. You're safe now!" I slowly turn my head to where I heard Edward's voice. "You're really here." I told him. He smiled. "I'm really here." He gently cups the side of my face and I lean into his touch. I lifted my head back up. "Ben, Angela, the house!" I blurted out. Edward chuckled.

"Thanks to you, Angela and Ben are fine. The house on the other hand well it's gone." I turned my head and let the tears fall. "I'm sorry Edward it's all my fault." He gently takes my chin and makes me look at him. "Now you listen to me. None of this is your fault! This house and everything in it is replaceable your not! Do you understand me!" He said irritated.


I couldn't believe her just now blaming herself for all this. That just made me mad because none of this was. "I'm sorry Edward but if I wasn't in your life none of this would of ever happen." She told me. "I can't believe you right now Bella. The only thing that matters to me is you and I don't know how to make you understand that. It's always been you even in school damn it. You may have never saw me for the geeky kid I was. But I was always there for you." I stood up and started pacing. "I may of went away to college but I never stopped thinking of you. Even though you put your app in I didn't hire you because of how I felt about you it was because I already knew how good you were at what you did. My feelings just grew stronger for you. I never dated because I always was saving myself for you believe it or not. I was just waiting." I finally turned and looked at her.

"I saw you. I just was afraid of what you think of me. Plus of well you know." I looked at her confused. "What!" she motioned for me to come sit on the bed beside her. I walked back over to her and sat on the edge of the bed.

"It was in 9th grade when I first saw you in study hall. I was a couple tables down in front of you. Of course you didn't notice me watching you. You had your nose buried in books. But every study hall I would watch how you would either tap your pencil when you're deep in thought or when you would chew on your pencil or pen when you're just reading." She smiled and giggled which had me wanting to hear more because she had me pinned at how I was.

"Then I would always think you would want nothing to do with me because of well my status in school because you were always so quiet and to yourself all the time. I always wanted that. I hated being the center of attention. I never thought of myself as pretty or whatever they thought as me. As I watched you I envied you because I wanted your world not mine. I hated my world and I always wondered how you did it all the time. So when I went home I hid in my room or at least I tried too. I went to this chat room where I chatted with this guy everyday. I think his screen name was hiding something like that."

My eyes widen. "Hidingfromworld!" I said. "Yeah, that's it how did..OH MY GOD!" She yells out and she buries her face into her hands.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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