12. Expected Revenge

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I focused on spotting  Nathan, I looked to all my surroundings while walking in the hallways, but he was nowhere to be found.

This morning I worked harder on my outfit and hair than I normally do just to impress Nathan, and now I can't find him!

I combed my hair in a messy bun and picked my favorite dress, it's blue with some cool designs on it. Surprisingly, I love how I'm looking today, well of course I'm not feeling the same way I'm showing, but I hope my appearance covers it.

There he was... with Lauren.

I strived to hold my tears, the most effective way I could think of to avert that from happening was to turn my head. What am I supposed to do now?

I can't just stand here facing opposite from where he's standing doing nothing, I bet I'm looking so weird right now.

Maybe I could pass straight in front of him pretending I'm phone talking with Jason. Nah, that sounds ridiculous.

Or maybe I could just walk like a confident model and wave at him, okay, that's just not me.

Or maybe...

Someone started contact with my sensible skin and made it have immediate goosebumps, stopped all my thoughts and froze time.

A miracle, an angel sent from God just came to save my day.

"Oh my gosh Jason, you scared me!" I nervously said feeling all his fingers embracing my shoulder.

"It was not my intention to frighten you."  He answered with a luscious smirk.

"What are you doing here?" I said trying to calm down when he full filled my view.

"Just saw you there and told myself to tell you that you look awesome." He said admiring my outfit.

"Do you really think so?" It happened again, his joy is contagious, he always finds a way to make me smile.

"A hundred percent!" He answered.

"Well, that's really nice of you to say." I said with my gained smile.

"It's just the truth." He kept complimenting me.

"Ha, well you're not looking so bad yourself." I had to say something nice, and it was really hard to say so.

"Thanks! Hey I was thinking about..." Jason couldn't finish before someone came right between us and broke our eye-contact.

He looked me into the eyes and I couldn't help but turn my sight away to face Lauren who was watching everything.

"This is what I'm talking about, you can't even face me, but when he's present you can't look away!" Obtrusive Nathan walked in.

I'm so confused right now, should I be celebrating or disturbed?

This was my plan, Jason was supposed to be my Nathan magnet, but instead he became my "Forget-Nathan machine".

"What are you even talking about?" I frowned.

"Why are you even talking to him again?" He furiously said.

"He has a name, and it's Jason." I kind of defended him.

"And are you complaining? Before even Jason came to me, you were flirting with "Ms. Nice person-Lauren"."

When Lauren heard that from the distance she instantly entered our fight.

"Excuse me!" She said in a disrupted way.

"Lauren, we both know you invented those things you told Nathan, and this fight is none of your business!" I was so done with her.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Nathan screamed to me.

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