Chapter 14

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Max's POV
I wake up gasping, I look over at Ross. He's peacefully asleep still, I didn't wake him up. I grab my phone, it's 6 in the morning. Guess I could make us breakfast but I'm still tried. I lay my head back down and close my eyes. I hope I don't have another fucked up dream like the last one but with the way thing are I don't know.

- Dream world -

Im sitting in a hospital room and a doctor is talking to me. All I could understand was that I had schizophrenia. When I left I didn't go home I went straight to the woods. I walked and walked till I found a shed that's was abandoned. I enter and weapons are everywhere. One of the voices in my head tell me to pick one up and let him try it out. I tried to fight back and not do as he said but he took control. All I saw was a world in red, I watched him pick up the weapons and leave. We walked till we got to a house.  We bust the door open and killed everyone in the house. I liked it so much when I got control of my body back I went to kill everyone that wronged me, starting with the people I work with. I run to the office and run straight into Adam with my blade. He goes limp and falls backwards into a pool of his crimson blood. No one saw what I did so I hide my blade and go to everyone's office killing them with no one seeing. Only one more to go; Ross. Out of everyone that did me wrong he is number one on my list. As they say the best for last and for Ross he would never see it coming. I look all over the office and he's not here. I walk past all of my dead "friends" pleased at what I've done. I stole Tim's keys so I can drive home. Once home I call out for Ross acting scared. He comes running and asked what happen because of all the blood on my clothes. I told him everyone at the office was dead when I got there. He cries into my arm leaving his chest open. I use my other arm to pull out the knife and stabbed him though the heart. He looks up at me horrified and goes limp. I've finally did it I killed the one thing in my life that ruined everything. A little kid comes out from behind the corner and runs over to Ross crying. The child had red hair and sea blue eyes, I couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl. The child's cry grew louder and finally the kid looks at me and spoke in a quite heart broken voice.

"Daddy why did you kill mommy?"

- Dream End -

Ross' POV
Max was shaking so much he woke me up. Looks like he's having a bad dream. I sit on his lap and shake his shoulders as hard as I can. He won't wake up so I slap him. I know this won't end well for me and I don't like the fact that I just hit my boyfriend. Max springs up and seems freaked out, not caring that I just slapped  him. I bringing him close to me letting him barry his head into my chest. I rub his back and keep telling him how much I love him till he calms down. Max pulls back and looks at me, his face is tear stained and his eyes are red from crying so much.

"Max can you tell me what happened in your dream?"

"I...I killed them."

"You killed who Max?"

"Everyone at the office, even you!"

"Max calm down, okay do you know why you did that?"

"No but our...."

"Our what Max?"


"What about our kid Max?"

"They saw me kill you."

"Max it was just a bad dream you would never do that we all know that. And our kid will know that to when they are with us Max."

"You're right Ross."

"Maxy we still have a few hours till our appointment, what do you want to do."

"Can we just cuddle up with each other for a bit I'm still really shaken up."

"Sure Max we can do that."

Out of everyone Max is the last one I'd expect to be like this after everything that has happened to us in the last few days. I was thinking it would be me or Adam but Max! I was not expecting that one. He's my protector but right now I'm him from a nightmare. Why did Red have to go all crazy and go after us? Only that demon I mean ginger would know.

Max's POV
Ross holds me tight after my nightmare, all I want to do is curl up into a ball and cry but we have stuff to do today and it would make Ross sad if I do that. He rocks back and forth for a bit before he lets go of me. I start to panic thinking something bad is happening.

"Max calm down everything is okay. We have to get ready now, I'm sorry that I made you panic."

"It's okay Ross I'm really out of it right now. Okay I'll get ready, you can take your shower first."

"No you're coming with me."

No sense in arguing with him so I get up and start picking out my clothes. I find a black t with sand on it and a pair of jeans to go with it. I hope I don't have to dress up for this thing. All Ross told me was we had an appointment but never said what it was about. I travel to the bathroom and see Ross already undressing. It's so hard not to stare at him, everything about him I want in need I must have now. Wait Max, wait till you two get back home then he is all yours and you know that. I get undress, sadly listening to the voice in my head and join Ross in the shower.

-Time Skip with the power of Agents Shed and Zed-

I get out first so I can make sure Ross doesn't fall getting out again. We get ready for what ever this thing is and head to the living room to watch anime for a bit.

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