Chapter 18

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Ross' POV

Max calls for me to come down. I quickly get dressed and try to flatten my hair. I head down stairs to see Max at the door looking panicked. I see a hand and a familiar shirt.

"Ross! Guess what tomorrow is!"

"Shelby! I wasn't expecting you. I'm not sure, what is tomorrow, please enlighten me."

"Ross you have always been so forgetful.  Tomorrow is the family reunion. And the best part is you get to bring your boyfriend to it."

"Ross you didn't tell her did you?"

"Shelby I can't go tomorrow with Max. I can go alone but no one in our family except you can know I'm with Max. They already hate me for being gay. If they find out, it won't end well."

"Ross they're family they will love you no matter who you are with."

"Shelby you're wrong I'm not going. I can't stand the criticism and Max won't be there. "

"Find then go as friends say you brought your roommate/coworker/friend to this because you lost a bet to me."

"Max? What do you say?"

"It will give me a chance to meet your family and be with you. So I say go for it but only if you're okay with it."

"I like the idea and I agree with you Max."

"It's settled then! Oh, and by the way I need a place to stay till tomorrow..."

"You can stay here."

Max's POV

Ross's cousin is so needy. She traveled halfway across the country and didn't  book a hotel to stay in. If you ask me that's just plain stupid.  She runs back out to her car and grabs all her stuff. I didn't know women could have so much fucking stuff. After we settle her in Tim's room, because he  still won't be home for another week, Ross and I head back into my room.

"I'm so sorry about her, I totally forgot. I wasn't even planning to go."

"It's ok, I forgive you."

I really wish his cousin hadn't interrupted. Ross and I were having a really good time. The good thing is now I have time to mentally prepare myself to meet Ross's family. I still don't know how well he is doing after everything that happened. I mean,I was in the hospital for a month..... All because that son of a bitch Red thought Ross was trying to steal Barney from him. I don't know what took so long for them to get together. Yes, people could say the same thing about Ross and I but that is totally different.

All of a sudden I hear music down stairs. I look up to see Ross missing. When did he go down stairs? I guess I was too wrapped up in my own thoughts that I didn't even notice. I walk down the steps to see Ross dancing to the worst song in history.

"Oh my gosh Ross how can you listen to this crap. It sounds like screeching. It makes my ears want to bleed."

"But Max I like it and I like you so deal with it."

"When did you become so demanding?"

"When my cousin interrupted our private time together."

"I swear to god Ross if this is on repeat you're sleeping by yourself tonight."

Ross quickly grabs his phone and messes with the music I'm guessing to take it off repeat or hopefully change it. Ross puts his phone down and runs over to me. A slow song starts to play and Ross wraps his arms around my neck. As I put mine on his waist, we slowly sway to the music. Only to hear Shelby calling for us therefore ruining another moment between me and Ross.  I can see the sadness in Ross' eyes. I give him a gentle kiss filled with love before I let go of him.

Ross' POV
As soon as Max's back is to me I know he is mad and is going after my cousin. But I don't try to stop him or anything all I can do is laugh because I know as soon as he starts yelling at her, she'll start mocking him only to make him madder. Which means he'll come out looking defeated and her looking triumphant as always. It's the same thing every time they are in the same building as each other. They act like kids but we all can be children at heart. Except Adam we all think he is a 10 year old in an adult body for how childish he is all the time. The strange thing is I don't hear any yelling but I do see Max skipping back over to me with a big smile on his face.

"Why are you so happy?"

"It's cancelled. And Shelby isn't staying here anymore."

"Where is she staying."

"With Adam and Aleasa to watch baby Mason."

"So if we really wanted we could go back to what we were doing before."

"Yes, but we can't we have videos still to make today and for tomorrow."

"Is it bad I forgot I was a YouTuber?"

"No. It's something hard to believe that it is even a real job."

"True. I can't wait till tomorrow we get to go to the amusement park."

"Remember we still are vloging it for my channel when we go."

"Yeah but that's an easy video. We don't have to set anything up for that one."

"Yeah I guess you're right. But right now what do you want to do?"

"Can we play Ruinscape ?"

"Sure we haven't played that in a while. Sounds like fun."

"I'll get the snacks if you set it up and if you want we can record it?"

"Okay I'll set up and don't grab any nuts. And let's not record it this is just for fun."

"Why do you say no nuts?"

"Ross your new skin is a squirrel."

"I don't even like nuts. Plus I think Tim ate the rest before he left."

"Of course he did."

As I finish setting up Ruinscape, Ross enters with the bowl of snacks.  We grab our controllers and start playing the game that brought me and Ross together in the first place.

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