Chapter 17

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Ross' POV

I really enjoy this picnic but sitting here on Max and feeding him but I want to do so much more.

"How about we finish this at home?"


He sounds confused but I know he'll figure it out soon, he's smart. I get up and put everything back into my basket. I help Max up and walk him to the car. We get in and are on our way home. I'm very uncomfortable but I know it won't be for long and i can see Max is too?

"Ross are you uncomfortable by any chance?"

"Very. You?"

"Same is this why we are going home?"

"Yep and don't worry I'll take the short way this time."

"How much shorter is this way?"

"20 minutes."

"And how long did it take us to get here?"

"An hour and a half."

"Ross why didn't we take the short way earlier?"

"Because my helpers had to get here, set up and leave before we got here."

"Guess that makes sense. Wait who are your helpers?"


"Which friends?"

"Good friends."


"People we used to see every day."

"You mean Adam and them."

"Yep they helped me get this whole thing set up. I'm going to miss them but I know we will still see them and cost and work with them."

"They will never leave us alone and now that isn't a bad thing."

"Jess is the one that will never, ever, leave us alone."

"Yeah you got that right. Ever since we got together she has been our shadows. Surprised wasn't following us all night."

"Had that taken care of before we even left the house."




"Preston he will be working at the office soon. So i asked Adam to have Jess show him around the town and help him understand what he will be doing at SkyMedia."

"People don't give you enough credit for how smart you are Ross."

"Probably from the derp eyes on my skin."

"I bet."



"Max I was wondering something."


"Why do you.....never mind."

"Ross why do I what? Finish it."

"Don't get mad at me."

"Ross you have no idea how hard it is for me to get mad at you."

"Why do you like me?"

"You haven't figured it out yet huh?"


"Don't sound so sad Ross it's okay."

"Can you tell me?"

"Sure. The reason I like and love you is because you aren't afraid to be yourself and you are so caring and funny. Ross everything about you makes me love you."

"Even though I'm fat and ugly and...."

"Ross please stop. You are non of those and who ever said that is wrong 100% wrong. I hate hearing you say that stuff about yourself you are perfect and I'm so lucky to have you."


"Yes Ross really."

"We're home."


Laughter fills the car. As soon as we can breath we get out and head to our apartment. The lights are out and everything is just as we left it. I put the basket on the counter and drag Max up to my room.

"Ross let me grab some clothes for tomorrow first."

"Fine but hurry."

Max's POV
I run into my room and grab some clothes. As soon as I walk out Ross is again dragging me to his room. We lock the door because of Jess. And I throw my clothes on a chair. Ross then slams him self into me causing me to fall back on to the bed. He's already straddling me...... Suddenly he slipped off me.

"Are you OK my narwhal?"

"Yup, but it's your turn to take control tonight Maxey."

Shit, why am I never ready for this. I can feel the smile creep on my face. I roll over on top of him smashing my face into his. He kisses me back and it begins. I slip off his shirt and do the same with mine. I then begin to play with the buckle on his pants and eventually slide them off his body. I do the same with mine leaving us both in our boxers.

"Well? You ready"

"As I'll ever be."

I kiss his neck, proceeding down to his waist. I pull his boxes down continuing to kiss him. I grab him and start giving him a hand job. He starts to moan,turning me on even more. I slip my boxes off and he begins to give me a hand job as well.

He undressed me then started giving me a hand job. It felt so good! When he eventually took his off I returned the favor and started palming him. His strong arm caves and he collapsed on me. He got up and gingerly kissed my lips. I embraced him and took over. He looked at me from the bed with a confused face.

"sorry babe, but I can't contain myself."

I slide down and start deep throating him. He starts to moan while I continue. I speed up and he grabs my head and pulls me up to his face.

"I thought it was my turn to take control?"

" I couldn't stop myself, you were being to  sexy."

"Lie down."


"Lie down."

I was to stunned to move. Max grabbed me and flipped me onto the bed. He looks at me, with eyes that sparkle like the stars in the sky. I grab him and pull him close and start to kiss him. We keep kissing and grabbing and kissing and grabbing. He leans on his elbow and looks at me with a dazzling smile. He travels down to my waist and starts giving me a blow job. He is nearly sucking the soul out of me!

Max's POV
I start to suck on him and he is really tense. I begin to palm him while deep throating. He begins to relax, and I stop. He looks at me with sad puppy dog eyes. There is is again......


"Yes my Butt Knight"

"You might want to get dressed."

"o...... K......?"

I quickly get dressed and I run down stairs.


"I'm coming!"

I open the door to this unexpected visitor.

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