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On February 28th, Gabriella turned down Bucky Barnes after the first show he'd seen at the burlesque club. She'd not only been the first woman to turn him down, but also the only one to make him work for it.

It even got to the point where Steve was concerned.

"Manhattan, Buck?"

Goldie's Boxing Gym was sparse that evening, James barely feeling a thing as Steve punched the pads on his hands.

Bucky hesitated, coming down from his thoughts. "Huh? What about Manhattan?"

Steve, drenched in sweat, hit Bucky with boxing gloves too big for him. "You hate Manhattan and you've been there three times in the past two weeks."

"I don't hate...necessarily. I-"

"I could count at least ten times you've said you hate Manhattan," Steve interrupted. He punched the pad again, no rebound whatsoever. "You've never done this before."

Bucky nearly scoffed, "Done what, Stevo?"

"Chased after a girl," he said. "Especially not all the way to Manhattan."

"To be fair," defended Bucky, "she's from Queens."

Steve shook his head, "You've got it bad, Buck. Real bad."

James didn't agree, "I don't know what you mean. The only thing I got bad is a bruise from how hard you're hitting me, pal." He laughed, dropping off the pads and slinging an arm around Steve's shoulders. "Let's take a break. Goldie's isn't going anywhere."

Steve let go of a sigh, taking off Bucky's gloves that were two sizes too big for him. "You can avoid the subject all you want Buck, but if that girl can get you to go to're really a goner."

Bucky hesitated to reply, tossing a towel to Steve once he got out of the ring. "Maybe you'll meet her some day."

Steve laughed, running the towel along his face. "Yeah, if you can ever get her to go out with you."

James cracked a smile, pulling Steve into a head lock and ruffling his dirty blond hair. "Gettin' pretty brave, aren't you, Rogers?" he questioned jokingly with Steve not even bothering to fight.

Steve was laughing once Bucky let go, "If I'm going into the Army, I've gotta be able to take you on."

Shaking his head with his lips still curved upwards, Bucky picked up his bag from one of the benches in Goldie's. He'd not broken a sweat, but he'd only gone for Steve. "Wanna stop by Sheridan's? I'm feeling in the ice cream type of mood."

Although Steve agreed as they left the old boxing gym, he couldn't help but continue. "I don't get it."

James lifted an eyebrow, the two walking side by side. "Get what?"

"I've seen you with girls, Buck. Not a single one since junior high has ever turned you down." Steve looked slightly up at Bucky, "So why this girl? Why her?"

"Why do I like her, or why didn't she say yes to me?" he questioned in response. "Because I don't really know either." He absently combed a hand through his hair, genuinely uncertain about most things except one. "But I'm gonna get her to say yes to me."

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