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"I couldn't wait for the summer and the Warped Tour. I remember it's the first time that I saw her there."


"Bro, watch where you're walking." said Calum. "You're stepping on my heels."

"Sorry man, walk faster." Sassed Nick.

Calum rolled his eyes at his annoying friend and tried to block out everything that was happening around him. The place was spinning and the neon lights made his headache even worse. He didn't feel well and just wanted to go home.

His rowdy group of friends didn't help. They were loud and obnoxious and not what he wanted at the moment.

Calum tried to focus on humming a song but his thoughts were interrupted when Nick stepped on his heels for what seemed like the millionth time.

Calum hit his breaking point.

He spun around, his face practically red, and let everything he was thinking spill out of his mouth with no censor.

"I have put up with you ALL NIGHT. I'm tired and all I want to do is take an aspirin and sleep for years. You not walking on your own shoes is pissing me off so much, I'm one step away from socking you in the face. Find someone else to walk behind, I'm done asking." Calum ranted with his arms flailing around like crazy.

Calum's eyes widened to the size of saucers when he realized he didn't just blow up on his friend, but a beautiful girl with red lips and chocolate hair.

"I uh- I'm really sorry... It was an accident. I'm sorry." She stuttered.

You could barely see the deep crimson that had rose to Calum's cheeks due to his tanned skin, but to him, they felt like they were on fire. He cleared his throat while the girl kicked some pebbles around, the tension in the air was thick.

"I really didn't mean to step on your foot, I'm just a klutz." She apologized for what was an honest accident.

"No, I'm sorry for yelling at you. I thought you were my meathead of a friend. I was rude, I'm sorry." Calum said while his face cooled down.

"It's really no problem at all." The girl said authentically.

Calum stood there in awe. The wind was softly blowing her dark brown curls around. She was licking her dry lips to moisten them. The tip of her nose was a baby pink due to the frigid air. She was undoubtedly the most gorgeous girl Calum had ever laid his eyes on.

"Is there any way, by chance, that I could get your number?" Calum asked.

The girl nodded and typed ten numbers into his phone which he had handed over a few seconds before. They smiled at each other one last time before they went there separate ways.

"Wait!" Calum yelled as he had passed the man selling alcoholic beverages. "I never got your name."

"It's Jules." She replied with a smile.

"Jules..." Calum mumbled, testing how it felt coming off his tongue.

"What about you?" She yelled across the open field where people has stood singing only a few hours ago.

"What about me?" Calum questioned.

Jules laughed, "What's your name?"

"Calum. Calum Hood." He shouted loud enough for her to hear.

She nodded while softly smiling as she walked away and rounded a corner.

For the rest of the night, Calum couldn't wipe the grin off his face as he thought about the girl he met at the rock show.

So that was the first chapter. I'm kinda digging this format and I'm really excited about this new series.

I hope you all enjoyed! Xx - Mads

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