(Chapter 10)~ Meet Mizuki the snake familiar

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Hi guys so the last chapter is a fail and yeah anyways I'm sorry for not updating anything I got a fever from my new school cause our room is so hot and we're going to change room and that room is cold so yeah i caught a cold. Hope you like this one.


Your pov

I'm doing my homework at the shrine then suddenly I heard a door opening then closing

I went out of my room and to see Tomoe standing there with a blank expression

"Welcome back Tomoe, where's Micah?" I asked

"She got kidnapped" he stated calmly.

"(Y/nnnnnn)... chop (haha what anime do you think this is?)" I hit him with my book

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!?!" Yelled Tomoe holding his head I hit

"How can you be like that?!, Micah got kidnapped and your acting like that?!, what kid of a familiar are you?!" I yelled pointing at his angered face

"Your right..." he mumbled, looking down shadow casting his face

"And you le- wait, what?"

"I said 'your right' I let that stupid snake capture Micah, I'm sorry" Tomoe said but I didn't hear the end of his sentence

"What? Didn't hear you" I said

"I said I'm sorry..."

"Wow didn't expect that to the high and mighty Tomoe"

"*sigh* just forget it" he walked away

"I'll just think where that snake your talking about, is hiding Micah" I said returning to my room

'Snake, snake, snake I know I heard that before' i thought while sitting

'Now I remember it's Mizuki!' I quickly stood up an ran to the door and opened it

"Tomoe!!!" I yelled

"Don't yell!" Tomoe said

"I know where they are" I said

No ones pov


"Ugh..." Micah groned

"Oh she's awake" a creepy voice said

"Hey human, do you eat centipede?" Another one asked while holding a centipede in front of a laying Micah

"No we don't eat centipede" Micah said calmly

"I see your awake" a familiar male said entering the room while holding a kimchi

"And who are you?" Micah said standing up looking at the male

"Uhh... never mind I know you" Micah said blushing looking away

"Oh? How do you know me?" the male asked smirking

"Reasons, where am I?" Micah asked

"Where at the Yonomori shrine" the male said

"And master Mizuki is the familiar" a shrine spirit said

"And that room over there is Lady Yonomori's chamber" Mizuki said setting the food down

"I want to get out of here" Micah said

"But you can't, your my bride now" Mizuki said smiling

"What? I'm not going to get married!"

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