(Chapter 11)~ The gods Lost their home pt.2

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This is the second part hope you like it!


"Are you (y/n) (l/n) of the Mikage shrine?"


No one's POV

"Y-Yes I am" (y/n) said nervously

"What do you want from her?!" Micah asked protectively at (y/n)

"Oh the Flora and Fauna god nice to meet you" said the goddess​ of thunders

(I don't know her name because I always skip this part when I'm
re-watching it and just watching the part where Tomoe is shown or a child)

"Answer my question!" Micah said angrily

"It's ok Micah don't worry" (y/n) said smiling a calm smile while holding Micah's shoulder while the said girl calmed down

"I hope you're not here just for Tomoe to be your familiar" (y/n) said glaring at the thunder goddess

"I won't do such thing!" the goddess exclaimed offensively while holding her chest like someone shot her heart

"Don't you dare lie to us!" Micah yelled

"Fine, yes I want Tomoe to be mine" the thunder goddess confess smirking

"Just because Mikage-san isn't here you'll get Tomoe all to yourself like he's some tool" (y/n) said angrily

"(Y/N)! MICAH!!" Tomoe yelled


"(Y/N)! MICAH!!" Tomoe yelled getting me and Micah's attention and realizing that our surrounding is red

(I totally didn't forgot about that:note to sarcasm)

"Tomoe!" I yelled happily. Happy that he actually came

"No! Don't come here you baka kitsune!" Micah yelled. Then I realized what will happen to him


"Too late! Grow smaller" the thunder goddess said and swung the lucky mallet at Tomoe

Then a puff of smoke surround Tomoe and when it cleared we came to a view of a child


"Why are so big?" she asked in her little voice

"Micah, you've shrunk"

"Huh?! Waaah!!"

"Then what happened to Tomoe?"

Then when the remaining smoke gone I saw Tomoe still a child but something is different...

'He did shrunk but...is he 12?!?!!' I thought

"Be grateful I've saved some your powers" Micah said glaring at Tomoe

"Are you alright Micah?" I asked while I went next to her

"Yeah just lightheaded"

"I'm not finished yet" the thunder goddess said and her hand on my forehead then I saw the mark of the Land god

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