Chapter 16

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"You've got to just hear me out Bonnie," Enzo begged.

"You've got five minutes to get out of this Farmer's Market. Or i'll call Stefan over and watch him stake you right here," Bonnie said keeping her voice low. "Where is Damon?"

"See now thats what I need to talk to you about."

Bonnie swallowed the lump forming in her throat and looked around to see Stefan stoically watching Caroline chatting it up with the man at the deli counter. "Make it quick because if anyone comes over you tried to grab me."

Enzo snorted. "It's getting harder and harder to keep Damon's body count down. Don't think you're the only people that noticed."

"So what are you doing about it because you're obviously not curing him." She said picking up a melon and giving it a little squeeze.

"There is no cure. Been there done that. On to the next thing."

Bonnie sucked in her breath sharply. "Which is?"

"We're leaving . . . the state. We need to keep moving, but Damon won't even agree to get into the car without you and the baby." Enzo pleaded. "Come with."

"He can't go. We have to stay and fix this."

Enzo shook his head. "He's getting worse."

"Don't you think I know that. I saw a little bit of it myself the other night."

He growled. "He needs more bodies to sustain himself."

"What?" She said looking up to him with concern in her eyes.

"He needs 8 people to even feel halfway like normal. I've been lying to him about how many there are."

"How are you even getting away with that?"

He glanced towards the deli to see Stefan still there with Caroline. He kept his head low and said, "He doesn't remember them. Not their faces, their names or even where we picked them up at. It's all gone like he was in some sort of trance."

"And you left him alone!"

"He's fine now. It just doesn't last that long." He said doing his best to explain. "Listen, just think about it mate. I'd like to be gone by the end of the week. If I don't hear from you. I'm leaving anyway."

She was about to protest and tell him of her plan, but he cut her off.

"Its for his own good."

And just like that he was gone and the others were walking towards her.

"Find everything, you wanted?" Caroline asked chipperly.

"Yeah and a few things I didn't."

"Can we just go?" Stefan asked impatiently. "Like check out."

"Yeah, totally," Caroline said kissing him on the cheek.

Later that Night . . .

Bonnie picked up her phone and pulled up the contact information. She ran her finger lovingly along the picture of Damon. Lying in bed alone wishing he was with her.

"Enzo has no clue as to what's going on with you or how to fix it. He's a good friend for trying, but in the end wifey knows best." She clicked the dial button and waited for the voicemail to come on. It was already well pass midnight so the likely hood that he would be of sound mind enough to pick up the phone was slim.

"Leave a Message or Don't."

"Damon its me Bonnie. I know you're leaving town, but I can't go with you. I deserve better. The baby needs better than a life on the run. But you need to go to be safe. I have an ultrasound appointment with my OB tomorrow at 2pm. I'm coming with Vanessa. We can say goodbye to each other there."

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