Chapter 27

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Back On Earth:

Caroline stood in Damon's room and for the first time noticed that it was more Bonnie than anything else in the house. How did this escape her notice for so long. Damon must have given her cart blanche on the room. On the bed there was a leopard print blanket tossed casually over the bed. It stood out against Damon's style of black and more black. So did the items of baby things stacked in the corner. Items she had yet to open received from friends and well wishers. Her slippers were peeking out from underneath the bed. Her clothes were still strewn on the floor in front of their armoire. Like she had gotten dressed in a hurry. The bed covered in purple throw pillows. Her favorite color.

She walked over to the closet and picked up a small chalkboard that had a few baby names listed on it. Nia was the first and Mila-Rose was the last. She put the board down and grabbed the cup that she had set by the door. She pushed away a tall dresser that was up against a wall. Hoping against hope that the screeching across the floor wouldn't wake Emma.

She picked up one of Bonnie's blouses from the floor and dipped the tip of it into the cup of Damon's blood. She started from the bottom of the wall and went all the way up and around. Even creating a little door knob.

"What the hell are you doing?" Stefan asked standing in the doorway to Damon's room.

"I'm doing the spell to bring Bonnie back." She said nervously.

"But we can't do that spell. We don't have a Bennett," He said looking at me wearily as he came a little closer. "Whose blood is it?"

She backed away straight into the wall. "Damon's been around for centuries. He probably knows more about witches than most witches. Plus he has a little bit of the Bennett blood in him."

"Tell me you didn't?" He said smelling the air wondering why he hadn't noticed it sooner.

"I'm just doing what I was told."

He used his speed to bridge the gap between them. He tugged on the end of her blond hair lightly before running his fingers through it. He looked at her lovingly before turning full vamp. He grasp onto her hair.

"Stefan, your hurting me."

"If he dies . . ."

She closed her eyes and when she opened them again he was gone. Nothing, but a soft breeze against her cheek. She pulled out her phone and texted Damon.

"If you're going to do this. You need to do it now because he's coming."

She looked back at her makeshift door and sat on the bed. This had to work. Her marriage depended on it.


Damon looked at the phone as it vibrated across the table. He read the message quickly and got to work. The book already open onto the page.

licentia mihi vox , quod operor meus bidding huic vultus!

no ko ne wa to ka la fa tena heku nato

Before time and after. Before knowing and nothing.

Bonnie, come forward. Oh Blessed one.

Cross Over.

See the door in front of you. Let the door show you your true location.

licentia mihi vox , quod operor meus bidding huic vultus!

no ko ne wa to ka la fa tena heku nato

His nose began to bleed, but he continued on focused on the flame. He repeated it several more times sweat pooling on his forehead.

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