I'm a human being, you're a human being, we are all human beings and this plays an important part as to who we were and who we become. I don't have the perfect life and you definitely don't have the perfect life and a fact is no one has a perfect life and this makes us imperfect. I went through a lot of depression and anxiety when I was younger, I'm 16 and although I still suffer from time to time, it wasn't as major as before. And this depression came to be from what people say and how people act around me very negatively which impacted a mental state that caused me to question myself as to what I did wrong and to question others as to why they act this way and to question my god why is god doing this to me? Am I not good enough? I kept this to myself and didn't want anyone to look at me as if I'm crazy or anything like that so what I did was try to look up to anyone who has gone through this phase. And so demi lovato became my role model. Through seeing what she went through really struck me and as I grew up I learnt 3 important points.
1. Forgiveness is a virtue
2.life goes on
3. That we have to live it to our fullest.Guys, to forgive can be a very very very huge ask. And believe me, my own blood had been traitors. But to sleep with hatred and impurity is so difficult and stressful and I realised that is what caused the depression and anxiety.
Life goes on... There will be succession and there will be failure... There will be ups ... and there will be downs... and I'm saying this because I have seen how much I grew up. I'm 16 and already act like a mature person (sometimes ). I have learnt so many knowledge and points and facts in 3 yrs.
And this brings me to the whole '' live your life to the fullest'' thing. We only have one life to live. We only have one day to spend each year. TIME IS PRECIOUS. There are so many specialities for us to see and experience. Life is worth living in both good and bad times. And when we live our life to the fullest, when we sleep on our deathbeds there will be no regrets and a happy goodbye.
Hey everyone, well readers anyway. Life is worth living. Take it from someone who wanted to end theirs.♡♡♡
Live And Love And Laugh
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