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This is dedicated to pink_blush123pink, for being the supportive, nice, kind, amazing friend that she is. She is amazing in just simple words. Hopefully I will meet her someday and we will be the greatest of friends.♡♡♡ thank you for being awesome.

This is dedicated to itz_yo_bby_gal, to the one and only fahairy. We have been best friends for ages. You have never let me down and we have experienced the most crazy moments ever, I think sometimes that the watermelon are stupid to even fall in love with us. Ahaha. I love you. Hopefully we will always stay together and never grow old of being naughty and reckless. Ahaha.

This is dedicated to urmine5. Wow, we have the most awesome conversation's and I love your sense of humour. I mean sometimes I wonder what would it be like if you were to hang out with me and itz_yo_bby_gal at school. We would be the most awesome group ever. Thank you for the suppurative and encouragement. If you want to talk, I'll always be there for you just like you are there for me. ♡♡ oh and one more thing. HURRY UP AND UPDATE. But most importantly , I ♡ you.

This is dedicated to Ronymacaronni. Hey my iraqi buddy. WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, I just want to tell you how much of an annoying person you are when you update like a hundred times and how frustrating it is just waiting for you to update or how offensive it was when you made fun of the whole 'due respect' line. I mean how dare you!!! But despite all of this, I still love you for being such an amazing soul and you are such an amazing writer and don't let anyone say otherwise. Thank you and keep up the good work ahaha.

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