That's Not Very Nice

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The sun shines its way through the curtains, the birds are singing and the smell of bacon wafts its way into the guest bedroom. I slowly get out of the kings size bed and walk down the stairs to the kitchen.


Shit, where is she.

I hear the sound of laughter and giggling coming from the kitchen and I let my worries subside. Danielle and Noah are playing with some small toy cars while they wait for their breakfast. The little girl has obviously been bathed and now I can see that she has lighter blonde hair than I first thought, she also has some of Noah's old clothes on.

"Good morning, Henry, Noah and Danielle."

Danielle turns her head quickly, with a huge grin on her face and races to me. Noah does the same. Danielle is a bit more hesitant than, Noah. I give them both a hug and ruffle their hair, while they greet me.

"Morning, Eric. Breakfast will be ready soon, can you please get the kids seated at the dining room table." Henry says. His back still faces me while he gives me the instruction and serves bacon and eggs onto four plates.

Noah is already at the dining table, so I grab Danielle's hand and guide her to the where he is seated. Before we reach the table I kneel down in front of Danielle.
"Hey, Danielle would you mind if I call you, Ellie?" I ask.
She nods, but is interrupted by Noah calling her to the table.

>time skip<

Henry and I grab the plates and wash them at the sink.

"When will the papers be ready by?" I ask.

"I will try to have them done as soon as possible, I got started on them this morning."

Once we've finish washing the dishes, Henry leaves to help, Noah get ready for school. Ellie is watching TV in the other room so I go to join her. For a solid 5 minutes we sat next to each other in silence, in till she broke it.

"What's going to happen to me," she curiously asks, looking up at me.

"I'm going to keep you safe and if you want, you will stay with me" I reply, "how old are you?"

"I am six," she smiles while putting up five fingers, I start to chuckle and soon she realises her mistake and puts up one more finger. She giggles too.

We talk back and forth about favourite colours, food and animals. Her favourite colour is violet, favourite food is ice cream and her favourite animal is a wolf. Henry comes down the stairs in his police uniform with Noah following close behind. Noah has his school back pack on and waves a goodbye as he leaves to wait in the car at the front of the house. Henry stops in front of the door and turns around to face us "If you need anything call me, I will try to finish the papers at work and don't do anything stupid." he leaves and shuts the door gently behind him.

He doesn't really trust you alone does he?

Well last time I nearly burnt down his house, so I can see his worry.

Ellie is very engrossed in what she's watching, something about ponies and friendship. I get up and look at all Henry's family photos on the wall near the stairs. One catches my eye. It was Natalia and Henry on their wedding day.

The church bell chimes to signal midday as the guests start arriving. It's 2009, Saturday at 12:00pm and it's the day of a wedding. Henry's to be exact. We're playing some poker to calm his nerves, I thought, well no, it was a better idea than him drinking before he says 'I do'.
"How are you so good at this game?" Henry asks, aggravated that he lost for the 12th time.
"I've had 194 years of perfecting my skills in poker, you can keep trying but you will never beat me." In truth I just always knew when he was bluffing, every time he lied his heart starting beating quicker. But I wasn't going to tell him that, I think telling someone you can hear their heartbeat if you try hard enough would make them feel uncomptable. "You ready to get married in 10 minutes?" I ask.
"I hope so, I love Natalia but I don't think I'm good enough for her," he replies grimly.
"Of corse you're good enough, don't get cold feet now I will wrestle you too the alter if I have to," I laugh.

That was a great day, everything went smoothly, except for the few drunk relatives at the reception. The phone starts to ring, so I answer it. "Hello, Davidson residence,"
"You need to leave now! Hunters have just entered town and their looking for you!" Henry says urgently.
He barely finishes his sentence before I hang up. I grab Ellie and hold her tightly and run to my truck, grabbing my jacket off the recliner on the way out. I drive speedily down the streets, Ellie is very confused and scared at the sudden change of pace. She asks what's happening her voice quavering with fear. I reassure her that everything's going to be okay but she sees through that lie.

Hunters are unpredictable.

The only thing I know for sure is that if they find me, it's either going to be them or I dead.

We reach the cabin in record time, I leave Ellie by herself in the truck while I race in to grab the essentials. I keep a majority of things in the car but not everything. I grab the duffle bag from the top of the wardrobe and chuck clothes, weapons and money in it. I grab a match and set the house on fire. I make my way back to the truck and cover Ellie's eyes with my jacket, she doesn't need to see a house burning down.

I turn onto a highway, we've been driving for the past two hours and neither one of us has uttered a word. Ellie has been gazing out the windows the whole time while I've been concentrating on driving.

"Ellie, people are after me because of what I am. I'm not human and I'm being hunted because I'm the last of my kind."
Ellie looks at me, confusion settling in her eyes. I guess she's only six and doesn't really understand what I'm talking about.
"Are they going to hurt you because your different?" She asks tilting her head to the left.
I reply with a simple nod.
"Well that's not very nice," she pouts.
I laugh in response, not a reply I was excepting but definitely agreeing to her statement.

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