The War between Lycans and Hunters (Prequal Chapter)

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Thought I was having I pretty good 16th birthday, found my mate, she accepted me even though I was weak for our kind. I even got a birthday cake. Thats a pretty good day for an I thought.

"Eric get up...were being attacked!" my mate shouted.

I got up so fast from just hearing the urgency in her voice, scared already from already hearing the shouts and bloodcurdling screams outside my window. When I looked into the flames, I was beyond shocked... this was actually happening.

"Who? Who is stupid enough to attack the most powerful race on Earth?"

Just one word sent shivers down my spine.


Right after she said that she and I shift into our wolves, we sprinted out of the house heading to the rest of the pack. There was no one there, they must be already fighting. In the heat of everything around me I didn't notice Maria, my mate, was not running alongside of me. I did a 360 turn back to where I last saw her...I could feel the mate bound slipping...she was being attacked. I caught her scent with a mix of her blood and growled when I saw her on the ground, a man atop of her with a silver knife in his hand. I lunged at him and killed him in an instance. I got to Maria's side quick but it was too late...she was dead. I howled in pain and that was when I saw what was happening around me, so much blood...Fire...Hunters...Death.

I ran into the woods like the coward I am leaving everything behind, I could already feel it the alpha was dead, my whole pack was dead every Lycan dead. I could hear the Hunters behind me celebrating in their so called victory. Even though I was kilometres away I could still hear it, them celebrating, cheering that they put us into extinction. But of course they saw the fresh tracks I left behind and there cheers turned into shouts of aggravation. My paws hit the rough land and started to bleed but as quick as the blood starting trickling out it was already healing. I caught scent of a small village in the distance, I shifted back into my human form and walked the rest of the way. Since it was night everyone was asleep so at least no one would get a show of my nakedness tonight. Blood covered my whole body, blood trickled off my brown hair. There was a lake nearby, I washed off thoroughly. I still need clothes, I doubt the humans here are going to help a mysterious well-built teenage boy. Outside one of the small houses there was a washing line and hanging on it were heaps of clothes, I walked slowly up to it and stole what I needed. The clothes were a bit tight but were better than nothing.

I left the village.



But very very guilty about what happened not that long ago. How life can change in a blink of an eye. Once I got a very far distance away from the town, I collapsed everything that had happened hitting me with so much force...I cried and cried wishing I could re-do the last hour and at least have tried to help instead of hide. Now I'm the last Lycan...The last of my kind.

First chapter I hope its okay, I know its short but I will try to make chapters in the future longer then this one. Please vote and comment what you thought and how I could make this story better. Thanks!

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