Erics Past

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Ellie's P.O.V.

"He's coming."

"We've got to hide."

"Behind the counter, quick."

Henry, Noah and I hide behind the counter in the dark upon hearing the heavy footsteps in the other room. The door creaks open and the lights flicker on.

"Happy Birthday!" we all shout while jumping up from behind the counter. Eric not startled in the slightest (which is a bit disappointing) because of his super hearing. I start to light the candles of the huge rectangular ice cream cake, while we all start singing happy birthday.

We all sit down at the wooden dining table, all with a slice of birthday cake.

"I think we need a story," I state, while turning my body to face Eric.

"Do you now?" Eric smiles.

"Well your are an old man now, you must have many stories," I joke, Henry and Noah start to laugh while Eric just glares at me. "Why not a story from when you were younger like 200 or more years younger?"

"Alright, how about when I was around your age," Ellie nods her head and Noah and Henry go to get snacks. When they return I begin, "when I was 11 people in my pack didn't like me since I was an omega..."


216 years ago...

"Eric get your lazy ass out of that bed!" the man who is my step-father, Gordan shouts.

I groggily get out of the cheap broken bed and head to the kitchen. Gordon is there drinking like always and mum is covering up bruises and trying to make breakfast.

My mum is also an omega like me but after my dad died trying to defend this pack she was left without a mate because of her looks, Beta Gordon chose her to be his. He's never liked me since I'm an omega and beats my mum and I because of it. Since we are Lycan's though the bruises heal in under an hour. 

No one knows what happened to Beta Gordon's mate, there are many theories but the one I like to believe and also the one I think is most plausible is that he killed her since she was unable to have children.

Mum's now pregnant with his first heir.

I go over and help her get breakfast ready.

"Be a good lad and go get me the newspaper would ya!" Gordan demands.

"Yes, Sir," I mutter quietly. Gordan is an intimidating man, 6ft7, muscles made out of steel and eyes which could kill with one glance. Mum says we were lucky that he wanted her, since we would have been killed; since the mightiest race in the world didn't want any omegas. Most omegas were executed, the only reason I am alive is because my dad was head of the tracking team. Once he died my mum and I were meant to be killed but Beta Gordan 'saved' us by entwining their wolves with each other, completing the mate bond.

I go outside the luxurious house (minus my room) and grab the newspaper from the front lawn. Once I get back inside Gordon and my mum are eating breakfast. I pass him the newspaper and then start to eat my small breakfast.

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