Chapter 6

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I curled up close to him snuggling up to his warmness and pulling the blankets over us. I smiled, this is the farthest in flirting I have ever been in without twitching.

“Doesn't this movie scare you?”

I felt him shrug under my head. “Not really.”

“Well I just mean what is wrong with that dog?”

He chuckled, turning off the movie and sitting me up. “I am not really in the mood for a movie.” He looked at me, studying me.

“Oh so do you want just go to bed?”

He shook his head laying back down with me right beside him in the very comfortable bed. “I want you to tell me about you.”

I lay me head back staring into the ceiling. “What is there to know?”

“Favorite color?”


“Favorite Band?”

“Ben Harper.”

“Why Ben Harper?”

“He sends me into a peaceful place that helps me forget about the troubles in the world.”

He nodded. “Favorite animal?”



“They are so cute and pink.”

He smiled. “Like you?”

I studied him carefully. “Are you-DAMMIT!- comparing me to a pig?”

He stifled a laugh sending alarming chills throughout my body. “I am calling you cute and pink, well you’re a little pale and you look sort of sick but you are still cute and your cheeks have a pinkish hint in them. So does your nose.” He paused observing me. “Are you sick?”

I shook my head. “What is so cute about me? I twitch very unattractively and well my lips are a serious white, my eyes are a pale green and my nose, I mean wow my nose have you seen it?”

He nodded. “Your twitch makes you cuter because you get embarrassed easily. I would die to have your lips touch mine, white or not, and your nose, your nose is perfect for you. It suits your face.”

I smiled. “Did you just say you would die to have my lips touch yours?”

He nodded making me blush. “See I would kiss you but I like to play hard to get.”

“Nala.” I stopped looking at him. “I'm in the bed with you.”

I felt my cheeks getting hot before finally rolling over to face the wall. I pulled the blankets over my head to shield of the lights in the hallway. They were entirely to bright. I felt Jesse scoot over close to me wrapping his arm around my waist before pulling me into him and there we lay our bodies smashed together in a huge ass bed that could most likely fit ten people.

He breathed in my ear, whispering soothing sounds to me like a lullaby before I fell asleep. There I lay, curled up in his arms with him practically singing to me. I felt so peaceful and unharmed. I felt, safe. Something that I haven't felt in years. I drifted into the darkness of a wonderful dream.

 I was running through a field, I knew it was a dream because I cant run without twitching randomly and falling over my own feet. The field was beautiful, the grass was green and the leaves were all sorts of reds, greens, and yellows. It was so peaceful in my dreams. I was tourettes free. In the distance of the field I saw something, more like someone, running towards me with their arms out. So as they were doing I ran towards them with my own arms flailed out beyond me. I was smiling and my hair was shining a wonderful brown. When I met up with the person it was Jesse. He was smiling and he looked so happy. His hair wasn’t a mess and his teeth were even whiter than in reality. “Wake up Nala.” He said frowning. Everything started to disappear and I started to scream and twitch.

“Nala!” I opened my eyes to see Jesse on top of me. I shoved him off.

“What do you think your doing?” I shrieked.

“Sorry.” He said getting off the top of me thankfully when I looked down my pants were still buttoned. “You wouldn’t wake up and you were freaking in your sleep, I was afraid you were having a seizure or something like that!” I saw worry in his eyes.

“I'm fine Jes it was just my tourettes.”

He smiled. “Jes?”

“My new little nickname.”

“I like it. I have never had a nickname other than loser or hobo.”

I smiled hugging him around the neck. “Thanks.”

“For what?”

“For worrying about me.”

He smiled hugging me back even tighter. “Well you are very welcome.”

“Do you want to sleep over there instead?” I pointed to the other bed but he just shook his head laying on his side and pulling me close to him again like once before. That minty and AXE smell filled my nostrils making me smile and snuggle closer into his embrace.

“I would rather lay here with you.” I smiled pulling him closer. Is it that possible to fall in love that fast? Or was I having some pregnancy hormonal feelings?

I sat straight up in the bed pushing Jesse back into the pillows. “What!”

“I need to go to the store and pick up some-“ I paused searching for the right words instead of saying pregnancy test, “Lady stuff.” He nodded.

“Go get it, I will just lay here while you do.”

I nodded hugging him before leaving. I grabbed my keys of the counter and practically flew down the stairs outside. I did not want to step foot in that elevator without Jesse by my side.

When I got to the drug store I fumbled through my pockets for some money then I remembered I kept my money in my bra I turned towards the chips and grabbed the money out of my bra. When I looked up an old man was staring at me with a smirk grin played across his wrinkly face.

“Your Eggo preggo momma bird?”

I stared at the cashier handing him the money.


“Then why did the momma bear get five pregnancy tests?”

“Why does the-SHIT!-cashier ask so many questions?”

He gave me my change as I headed into the bathroom peeing on all five sticks.

When I picked up the first one tears flowed to my eyes.


I picked up the next one and more tears came.




The fourth one was of course positive.

When I picked up the fifth I fell to the floor sobbing.


Tourettes GirlWhere stories live. Discover now