H: Fasting & Qur'an

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Abd Allah bin Amr -may Allah be pleased with them both- narrates that Muhammad -peace be upon him- said: "Fasting and the Qu'ran will intercede on behalf of one on the judgment Day.

The Fast will proclaim: 'O Allah! I prevented him from eating and carnal desire in the day time. Therefore; let my intercession be accepted on his behalf.'

The Qu'ran will proclaim: 'I prevented him from sleeping. Therefore, let my intercession be accepted on his behalf.' The intercession of both will be accepted."

Declared Hasan by Al-Albany

«الصيام والقرآن يشفعان للعبد ، يقول الصيام: يا رب! إني منعته الطعام والشهوات بالنهار ، فشفعني فيه ، ويقول القرآن : منعته النوم بالليل ، فشفعني فيه ؛ فيشفعان»

حسنه الألباني

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