Chapter Five: Filler Of Them Sleeping

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Four months later, the group came up with the name The Five Horsemen. With Tressler as their benefactor, they all got on a flight to Paris ready to get onto stage two of the planning part of their master plan. They needed to find Etienne and trickily convince him to go to Vegas the same week their show would be.

In the airport, Carly's eyes dart around and her hands start to tremble slightly. The blonde never did like planes, but she knew she didn't really have a choice in this matter. And without Jaelyn by her side, Carly was feeling even more anxious.

Carly doesn't remember going through TSA or handing the lady her ticket, but suddenly she was sitting in a window seat. Her breathing was shallow, but she tried to cover it up with periodic yawns, it was four in the morning after all. Daniel took the seat next to her, while Henley, Jack, and Merritt sat in the row in front of them.

Daniel passes out sticks of gum to everyone before taking a seat and buckling himself in. Carly tries to distract herself on her phone, but one airline advertisement made her fully shot off her phone and look out the window. There you could see the sun barely starting to rise over the horizon. She taps Daniel's arm and he looks over at her and then out at the sunrise. She smiles at him to see what his reaction would be but he just nods before going back to looking down at his phone. Rolling her eyes, Carly goes to look out the window again when the engine starts up. Her breath hitches in her throat again and she tries to pull down the window shade, only for it to be stuck... just her luck.

The plane then starts to move and Carly sits back in her chair, her head facing Daniel to not look outside the window. Her hands gripped the armrests tightly, knuckles turning white. She tries to take deep breaths only for them to be short and labored. She quickly closes her eyes tightly shut as she feels the plane take off, a small whimper leaving her throat.

Looking over at her, Daniel puts his phone away before setting his hand on top of her own. She flinches and her eyes open, but he doesn't pull away, his eyes now on their hands. He quickly pushes the armrest up and out of the way before offering his arm for her to hold onto more securely. Linking her arm with his, she closes her eyes again when the hit some rocky turbulence. His other hands rests on top of hers comfortingly, tapping softly to soothe her down.

Carly doesn't open her eyes when they hit cruising altitude, instead her head leans against his shoulder and she slowly dozes off to sleep. Daniel tries to stay awake himself, but eventually his head leans on top of hers and he falls asleep as well.


"Lovebirds, it's time to get up!" Merritt's voice rings in Carly's ears. She just pushes her face farther into the soft object she was holding on to. At that she hears Henley and Jack laugh making her open her eyes and realize what she's done. Quickly she lets go of Daniel and shakes him awake as well. He stretches his arms out before taking a look at his surroundings, not caring to notice just how tomato red Carly's face was.

Merritt then ushers them all off the plane and herds them to the hotel. Since it was so late, they decided to get some more shut eye and nobody was complaining. Unfortunately the hotel only had three bedrooms and one pull out couch.

"I'll share a bed, I'm the smallest," Carly says and raises her hand.

"Couch!" Merritt exclaims and already throws his stuff on it.

"I have been told I snore," Jack admits.

"I hear I kick," Henley says all too quickly. All eyes turn to Daniel who just rolls his own.

"I guess I'm the only normal one here," He mutters before heading off to find a room.

They all go their separate ways and get ready to sleep some more. Carly changes into some shorts a baggy t-shirt, before crawling into bed. She lies there, quickly sending Jae a text as Daniel walks out of the bathroom in his own pajamas. After a few extra minutes of phone time, Carly plugs hers in and turns to Daniel.

"Can you turn the light out?" She asks him as the lamp was right next to him. He nods and plugs his own phone in before turning the lamp out and getting comfortable under the covers. "Goodnight."

"Night," He whispers back. 

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