Chapter Twelve: Dealing with Thaddeus

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Henley was helping Carly with her hair while Daniel was going around making sure everyone's tracking bracelet was functioning properly. When gets to the blonde, she holds up her bandaged wrist and he hesitated before putting it on her. Her phone buzzes and she picks it up to see a text from Jae.

J: You'll do amazing! I have the TV on already!

C: Thanks! Miss you bunches!

J: Ahh it's starting! I'll see you soon, break a leg!

Carly puts away her phone smiling as Henley finishes her hair. It was two high pigtails with black ribbons flowing through them. She looked a little childish, but she didn't mind as at least she was cute. She wore her signature black shorts and black thigh high boots, but this time with a black mock turtleneck.

"Just checked the guest list, and guess who's coming tonight," Jack asks as he walks over the Daniel.

"Dray and Rhodes?" Daniel takes a guess.

"And Thaddeus Bradley," Jack announces for the room.

"He was in Vegas too," Carly says and walks over to them. "What should we do, Daniel?"

"Merritt had an idea where we let the whole audience record," Daniel says.

"Also we debunk a few of our simpler tricks," Merritt adds walking over to them along with Henley.

"Great I'll go inform the announcer about the change," Jack says and runs off.

The other Horsemen walk right behind the stage and get ready. Carly grabs her fancy cards and flips the box in her hands a few times. She figured if they were going to debunk tricks, a few card tricks from her would be fine. Jack runs over and stands next to her and they all head back to the back room and wait for further instructions.

"Pardon the intrusion."

Everyone looks over to see Thaddeus Bradley standing in the doorway. The man who made magicians into frauds.

"Just wanted to wish you all good luck tonight," He speaks up.

"What so you could try and expose us on your little website?" Jack asks standing up.

"And On Demand," Thaddeus says with a smile.

"That's not going to happen," Henley scoffs.

"Oh, no? Operating on a special plan because of The Eye?" He asks with cocked eyebrows. Jack looks over at Carly who stands up slowly. Henley and Merritt glance at each other and Daniel can't even look at Bradley. "I heard it's a lovely place. Lots of starshine and moonbeams. Makes any Magicians wish come true. You've come a long way for a bunch of wanna-bees and has-beens."

"If by has-been you're referring to me, I just wanna say I'm flattered, because I've always considered myself a never-was. Do you mind if I do a quick read on you?" Merritt asks as he stands up. Jack, Henley and Carly all move to stand behind him.

"By all means," Thaddeus says cockily.

"I'm picturing a little boy. He wants to be a great magician someday. And though he's good, he's not good enough. So he ends up at the bottom of the entertainment food chain. Feeding off those who have the talent that he never did. Tell me am I getting close?" Merritt asks and puts on his suit jacket. By the look on Bradley's face it was probably a yes.

"Wait before you go," Daniel stands up butting in. "I'm working on something new. Do you have a second?" Bradley turns toward him with an annoyed face. Henley grabs her rabbit and stands next to Daniel while I stand next to her then Merritt, then Jack. "Okay name a card."

"King of Hearts."

"Knew it!" Daniel snapped his fingers trying to turn the top card over. He even blew on it but it didn't budge.

"It's up your left sleeve," Thaddeus says confidently.

"Is it?" Daniel checks his sleeve and so does Carly. "No, no. I don't see it down there. You know what, why don't you check your unnecessary velveteen pocket there?" Daniel points to the pocket. Bradley looks then reaches in and looks at the card. It read: SUCK IT in bold lettering.

"Anyway thank you so much for coming by, but this is kind of a talent only area. So..." Daniel says and shoos him away.

"Break a leg," Bradley says and tosses the card to the ground.

"You break something too!" Merritt calls after him

"Oh and Thaddeus," Carly speaks up and he turns to her. "You won't be the only one filming today."

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