Chapter Eighteen: The End

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It was two in the morning when they arrived to Central Park. Carly was itching to finally learn who the Eye was. Henley tugs on the chains to the gate and sighs.

"It's locked," Henley whispers.

"Weren't you listening?" Jack's voice speaks and they all turn to see him walking out of the shadows. "Nothing's ever locked."

"Well done Mr. Wilder!" Henley grins at him.

"You're a big boy now, Jack," Merritt tells him as he unlocks the gate. Carly hugs him tightly before pulling away and pulling out her phone to use her flashlight. The others do the same and they make their way into the park.

"What if all this was just leading to us getting mugged in Central Park at two in the morning?" Merritt asks, filling the silence.

"No, I'm tell you we are right where we need to be," Daniel says optimistically. "We just have to find-"

"That?" Henley interupts. They all look to where her flashlight was pointing to see the card placed in glass.

"The Lionel Shrike Tree," Carly whispers and leads everyone towards it. "And the card encased in glass."

"Now what?" Jack asks.

Carly quickly takes out her card and holds it out. The others take theirs out as well and gather around. Real magic starts to happen as the cards all start to stack on top of one another without either of the Horsemen doing anything. Forming a new glass card, Carly takes it and waves it in front of the card encased in glass.

Music from a nearby carousel starts to play in the distance. They all start walking towards it hoping they get to meet the famous Eye. A gasp echoed from all of them as they see the one and only, FBI Agent Dylan Rhodes standing in front of the carousel.

"No fucking way!" Carly says as they approach him.

"Oh my God!" Merritt cries out probably wondering what he missed and how he couldn't predict this. "I didn't see that coming. That's impossible."

"That was actually, uh, pretty good," Daniel says and puts his hands in his pockets.

"Thank you" Dylan replies with a smile on his face.

"When I said 'Always be the smartest guy in the room...'" Daniel trails off.

"We were in agreement," Dylan finishes for him. Daniel nods mumbling an okay. "Henley."

"I've never seen her speechless," Daniel says. Carly looks at Henley and she just stands there in complete awe.

"I'll take that as a huge compliment," Dylan says and shakes her hand. The red head almost bowed to the man for everything he did.

"Hey man. I'm sorry for kicking your ass. Really," Jack says trying to defend his place. Dylan just chuckles at him.

"Hey listen for the record. I have always been a 100% believer. And the amount of energy I have expended to keep these infidels on point..." Merritt tries to explain, Henley smacks his arm laughing.

"Merritt you're in," Dylan interrupts.

"God bless!" Merritt says and claps his hands together.

"Last but not least, Carly," Dylan turns to her. "The Youngest Horseman."

"I might not be the best but I have worked my ass off just like the others and-" Dylan cuts her off mid-lecture.

"You did great," He tells her. "When I first found you, you were just starting here. I watched you for years. Then finally you did something that caught my eye and I knew you had to be part of something bigger than yourself."

"Thank you," Carly says and presses her hands to her chest.

"Come," Dylan beckons. "The real magic is taking five strong solo acts and making them all work together. That is exactly what you did. So, welcome. Welcome to the Eye."

He grabs one of the moving horses lifting him effortlessly onto the moving carousel. They watched as he disappeared out of sight. Daniel, Jack and Carly jump over the barrier while Merritt and Henley run around. Carly looks around to her fellow Horsemen and smiles. Jack was the first to jump, then Merritt and Henley. Carly takes hold of Daniel's hand.

"Ready?" He asks her and she nods.

"Let's do this," She says and jumps on dragging Daniel behind her. She laughs as they follow the others and disappear into the night.

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