The Library

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It's finally the day that Kat and Dakota finally meet again to talk about what's been happening, Kat is really nervous she doesn't know how to explain that she's immortal she's been pacing back and forth for hours, Dakota sends a text "Hey! I'm here!" Kat choked "Oh no! I have to go now, what am I supposed to say or do urgh this is so stressful", "No it's not!" Nicole appears out of nowhere in Kat's hallway "Gahh! Where did you come from?" Kat exclaims, it didn't matter Kat was running late she quickly grabbed her keys and ran to the library.

Finally! Kat gets to the library and meets Dakota they hug it out and walk into the library, they both grab a few books and go to a quite corner that no one goes to, they sit down and Dakota already wants to know what Kat had to tell him, Kat turns red but not in a good way, she knew she couldn't tell him so she wrote a note and gave it Dakota, he opens it up he reads out it quietly, Dakota turned bright red and slowly looks over at Kat.

Dakota couldn't believe what he was reading and asked if it was true, Kat slightly nodded and turned to read her book, Dakota grabs her and tells her that no matter it she's a vampire or a serial killer he'll still be her best friend....well okay not if she was a serial killer but you get the point, Kat felt relieved she genuine thought that she would loose him and she'd be left alone with nothing left but herself then she tell Dakota about what happened with Violet. Dakota didn't seem to be very fond of Violet anyway whenever she came around she would just give all of her attention on Zac and only Zac till the point that if Dakota left they wouldn't notice unless Violet leaves too, Dakota was so sick of Violet he stopped hanging around with Zac because he knew Violet would some how come around too.

Kat couldn't believe it she asked why Dakota didn't invite her and explained by saying that " Zac thought you were a loser because you weren't as good looking as Violet, and Violet agreed she said that you literally follow her around like a little puppy and you wouldn't get out of her hair", Kat felt hurt how could she say something like that? Why? Kat knows she did something to her at that party but Violet said they were okay on those terms, Kat was angry but the sadness was over shadowing her anger leaving Kat in tears and running out of the library, Dakota run after her he didn't mean to hurt her, after all he is a guy what does he know about girls feelings?

It didn't matter what mattered was that Kat was feeling better and stronger, Dakota gave her a hug and she definitely felt a lot better.

Dakota tried saying some weird jokes and they worked Kat was actually laughing, later on in the day Dakota thought it would be a good to go home and leave her to rest, they both walked home in the hopes of finding one of Kat's friends but they saw drunk Zac and Violet walking towards them, we all know Kat didn't want nothing to do with them and Dakota just tagged along to make sure she was okay he didn't want her getting hurt even though she's immortal.

Violet grabbed Kat and started yelling at her telling her that she's a worthless piece of shit and that she'll never find anyone better than her, Kat was enraged she pushed Violet and ran away with Dakota trying to catch up, Kat was devastated she knew Violet was drunk but to say something like that was just horrible and cruel, Kat did find better friends like Nicole, Amelia and Dakota, Kat was truly thankful for having such amazing friends like them who knows if she'll have more friends in the future.


It was just a thought Kat had maybe in reality she's being betrayed, maybe just maybe.....Gahh! STOP! It's not the way to think in any case tomorrow should be better Kat invited Nicole and Amelia to hang out at a park in town.

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